I'm still not clear on why I shouldn't tell somebody who is lying to my face and gaslighting me to go rope themselves. Perhaps there's a translation issue?
You attempt to use Bible as proof for FE. Why don't you use it for what it has been made for... Jesus salvation. But if you believe in Jesus, why don't you start practicing the Jesus life a little better. If you don't believe, why are you even using the Bible at all? Are you really so subtly deceptive that you think that you can trick Bible believers into your FE beliefs by quoting the Bible a little?
Don't you see the irony in your statement above?
You use the Bible to prove how people, Earth and Universe were created! 6 days, 6000 years ago etc. does this ring a bell?
Literary works should not be used for anything in science, nevermind for the scientific proofs.
Looks like your Bible is a Swiss Army knife. LOL.
Here is what you are missing. There are two kinds of people in the world - saved and unsaved.
I use the Bible with saved
Batwoman to get her to act the righteous life, and to potentially help others to be saved that way.
With unsaved people, I use the science of the Bible to get them to be saved.
The Bible is an eye witness record, that is scientifically proven to be such. It goes to back to the Beginning, which was less than 7,000 years ago.
I show that modern science can't determine how old the earth is, because the Bible record tells us that before the first day the physics of the universe wasn't set in place. This means that modern science, without a time viewer, can't extrapolate backwards with certainty.
What I say might not make sense if the scientists who had done the original work on setting up the age of the universe had said "for a fact, the universe is this old." But those scientists essentially said that they didn't know how old the universe is, and that they were using the standard ages they use, as a form to organize the science. So it is the original time-scientists who tell you that they don't know how old the universe is.