Already showed you quite clear videos of ships disappearing, BOTTOM FIRST. You don't seem to have good memory. Boats disappear into the distance, the problem is, why are they clearly disappearing bottom first? Even after all the possible ''effects'' or ''illusions''
You can clearly see there is no effect in this video whatsoever It's literally a boat that has it's bottom half hidden by the curvature.
Convergence, perspective and multiple atmospheric effects on a plane explain how ships disappear at the horizon; the water is flat and level.
I'll give an example of perspective and that's just one of at least three possible effects that cause "disappearing, BOTTOM FIRST":
Has the man sunk into the field like your logic demands? No, it's a fucking playing field! The field is flat, the sea is flat, world is flat, we are on a plane and there are snakes on the plane!
Finally I think that's a fucking shipwreck in your video, that's fucking rust all over the side and it might be scuttled in shallow water.
You always say: WATER FINDS ITS LEVEL. Meaning that the water is perfectly flat (or close to it) Your example is probably just a bump on the ground.
DOES WATER FIND ITS LEVEL OR NOT NOTBATMAN??? WERE YOU LYING THE WHOLE TIME? That camera is also literally on the ground which amplifies it. In my video you can clearly see the how the bottom of the ship is gone though.