Very respectable post, SaltySpitoon. Thank you, but your efforts are wasted.
The OP is a liar and disruptive (maybe being paid?), and he does not consider your arguments.
Very soon he will "REEEEEE!" and post an easily debunked picture promoting his lie. You can't challenge him on it, as he will quickly move to something else.
This thread needs to be locked, for it is nothing more than bullshit trolling.
There aren't any efforts. The point is just that the burden of proof is being done wrong here. Its not for people who believe the earth is round to disprove that the earth is flat. On the contrary, people who want to disprove that the earth is round need to prove that the earth is flat. And to do that, they need to not violate any other laws of physics unless they have proof as to why they can, and a uniform set of theories that support their claims. If you want to say that the earth is flat, gravity is elves, and the moon doesn't exist, because of electricity, you need to one, make sure that electricity still works under the assumption that the earth is flat, gravity is elves, and the moon doesn't exist. And two, that everything else still works as it should under your new unified theory. If your claim causes cars to stop working theoretically, you need to go back to the drawing board.
If people want to do personal attacks, or disregard facts, who cares. Don't argue with them. Argue over
sound theories that they can give. Why bother arguing over whether the sky is blue with a color blind person, if there is another guy posting in the thread that makes a claim that can actually be discussed rationally. I don't think the earth is flat, but that doesn't mean that there are certain scenarios where the earth being flat would work, and under those circumstances something cool might happen. Don't waste your time with someone claiming that by measuring the horizon with their chainsaw, they can see the edge of the earth.
There are people out there with valid claims about the earth being flat. Tune out the noise and have a neat conversation with someone who can approach a problem in a completely different manner than yourself.