Another bonehead reply from the unnatural offspring of BADecker / BobLawblaw.
Nice work, goof.
They could be cousins but it wouldn't stop them fucking each other
Their ancestors were the sewer dwellers of Gomorra.
Well said. A "disease" is a perfect description of them.
Inbred sewer dwellers of Gomorrah indeed.
How Void managed to fit through a manhole is still a mystery, though.
Everything that there is or has ever been has been before in this realm. These pricks and their installed belief system, bastardised by the devil himself are nothing new, they have truly turned this place to sodom now
The good news is that right now we have reached a tipping point and the devils system is beginning to fail as we move towards the golden age. An age of understanding. An endless cycle of good and evil and the big clock keeps ticking.
True that.
BADickheads, NobGobblers, and Voids will dry up and fall off like a scab, eventually.
Not soon enough, though.
Yeah.... the end of their cycle.
Their old road is rapidly ageing
I find this helps
Good one.
Watch the whole Quest show with Dylan if you can find it.
Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.