What does it even matter? We're all going to the moon with our cryptos anyways.
True that. No one believes the earth is flat.
Actually some ppl do. And they have the same voting right like the normal ppl.
No one believes the earth is flat.
Says the monkeyman science believing clown. Save your null and void statements for yourself. The earth is flat and motionless exactly as the Word of God clearly states so. Read and learn. Ignorance of Logos is darkness.
Meanwhile, when studying:
Show us a real footage of a curvazon. (nasa cgi fakery and paintings are not valid). Hint: grab a Nikon p900 and show us the curvature of the ball earth.
More than 70% of earth is water. Show us a real footage of a curved water or curved oceans.
Prove axial rotation(see Airy's failure for an actual experiment).
Demonstrate how it is possible for two opposing pressure systems to exists side by side. The positive pressure system of Earth and the so called "infinite vacuum of space".
Demonstrate how water sticks to a 1000+mph spinning ball.
The only three "proofs" spinning ball earth believers have, are:
1.Nasa images (It is photoshopped, but,but... its has to be - Robert Simmons, nasa artist).
2.Public indoctrination (We know, because monkeyman scientist said so).
3.Opinion of the masses (Many are be
lieving so it must be true).
PS: flekellek, paprika guy. Where is your proof of a curved lake Balaton. I told you not to came here again without a real footage of a curved Balaton lake.