Oh look you edited your post without mentioning it, disingenuous as well, who would have thought it!?
I'm looking at your "ZZ Top" defence now and I'll tell you what I think.
Edit: I think it's bollocks and an obvious coincidence. ZZ Top aren't even like a black metal band, or devil worshippers or anything...
I just spent the last few minutes trying to think of any other band names of the top of my head of which the letters add up to 33 with this system. To be fair, I couldn't, but anyone with some knowledge of coding could write a program in 5 minutes that found all of the band names and albums whose letters add up to 33.
It's just so dumb, not only is 33 just an arbitrary number, there seem to be multiple different ways of assigning numbers to letters, Chaldean, Reverse Ordinal, full reduction etc.
If you have enough different methods, and enough things to test (band names, people's names, countries, movies, wars...) then of course you're going to find some that add up to specific numbers. It means nothing.
There is hebrew with letter & numbers, h is five in hebrew, likely the number decoding is from hebrew. Didn't really check though.
33 is often found in esoteric things, number of degree in illuminati, number of vertebra, boiling water temp in newton scale, jesus age of crucifixion etc
It's not un likely many bands of the 60's used some encoding there & there for what it worth
Hebrew encoding between number & letter is often used, as letters can also be numbers.
There are already programs like this to find hebrew numerical encoding