Yet another fake CGI multilayered image. You are new here, so please learn about nasa fakery.
I'm always curious where these nutty ideas about NASA come from. With the thousands of NASA employees and contractors there is no way someone would get away with faking the data for any length of time. Too many within the organizations would call them out on it, there is no secret conspiracy all NASA people adhere to, that's just complete tin foil hat territory.
As for evidence of a spherical earth, there are thousands of pictures from orbit. If the only way you conspiracy theorists can "debunk" all those pics is to claim:
1. a massive NASA/gov't/contractor conspiracy at all levels to fake data
2. that we've never gone to space
...then you really aren't debunking anything, just denying the life's work of generations of engineers and scientists. Apply Occam's Razor. Which is more likely, thousands of people all working together to deceive you or that you just don't grasp basic science concepts?
That belongs to the level of critical thinking that also thinks scientists are in it for the money and fat gov't grants. I know I'm drivin' around in my Maserati from those juicy space research proposals, I feel sorry for those investment bankers and lawyers and medical doctors, they are really missing the gravy train, lol. make very good sense here.
The problem with most FE people is that they have been hurt by the "system," somehow. Or at least that is what they think, though it is probably they that have hurt themselves. So, they poo, poo anything that the system says or does. Because of this, these FEers have turned FE into a cause for themselves, even a religion for those who are really hung up on it.
The rest of the FE people are the few who are promoting the FE idea for whatever purposes. They know GE is reality. They know the earth is a globe. But they have an agenda. It might only be to ferret out some statistics. It might be to start a religion of sorts. It might be to get minority status with Government so that they can get special grants offered only to minorities. Whatever it is, they know that the earth is not flat. But they don't really even care, as long as they can promote their FE fiction.