don't worry... don't be too hard on yourself. you were just being the best 'you' you can be in the moment.
The Flat Earth Society is not sending their best and brightest to this thread. Very sad.
The Flat Earth Society is controlled opposition, and you are a zipperhead.
Controlled opposition...holy deep does the rabbit hole go here...
so there's not really a 150 foot wall of ice at the edge? What is at the edge?
Has anyone ever been to the edge and lived to tell about it? What kind of
guards are there and who pays them? Who is controlling all this? And why?
Are you going to tell us, or are we just doomed to believing
in earth is a spinning ball...for gods sake, save us!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, you're doomed.
Goodbye, sock.
wait, isnt controlled opposition where another group argues the opposite?
But you're both saying the earth is flat so how is it controlled opposition?
Or are you just too butthurt to continue the discussion?