“There really are not any spheres in the heavens… Those of which have been devised by the experts to save the appearances exist only in the imagination, for the purpose of enabling the mind to conceive the motion which the heavenly bodies trace in their course and, by the aid of geometry, to determine the motion numerically through the use of arithmetic.” - Tycho Brahe, On the Most Recent Phenomena of the Aetherial World, 1588
That's odd! In HS I wrote a report on Tycho Brahe and don't recall the above. Then again, I'm pretty sure all I did was copy word-for-word off my grandfather's outdated Funk & Wagnalls' entry to earn a grade, whereupon afterward, perhaps, I borrowed grandpa's copy of Zane Grey's The Rainbow Trail for some light reader to round out the evening if opting not to emerge myself in my math book chapters ahead of the rest of the class. Ohhhhh, my dick still gets hard when I read or hear conic sections.
"Circlejerkings, eclipses, paranoids and hyperboles. Oh, my! It doesn't get better than this."