I'll try to keep this as short & simple as possible.
I made a deposit yesterday. Started playing slot as usual, hit a free spin, and half way through my free spin, an error message appeared saying "cannot connect to account manager".
So I reloaded the game, first two times the same message appeared, on the third try, I manage to get back to it and finish my remaining free spins.
After a few more spins, I noticed my balance is a little weird, that my winnings from the free spins are not credited to my balance.
Then I contacted live support, and was told to write an e-mail to [email protected].
So I wrote an e-mail, stating the issue, pointing out a 3 minutes 20 seconds blank gap between my game's transaction id in the transaction history page.
They took a while to investigate the situation, and then they replied to me that everything was fine, and asked me to double check my transaction history.
I replied, specifically mentioning that I was going to DIRECTLY contact the provider for a verification.
And then all of the sudden, as quick as a lightning bolt, they admitted there was 3 missing win on my account. They say they have checked with the provider that the missing record was indeed there, but not on their FortuneJack server. So they proceed to refund my winnings to me.
I replied, stating that this is unfair and sketchy as hell, that I can't trust their casino anymore and wishes to close my account.
They replied, before closing my account, is there anything they can do?
I replied, mentioning about the bug bounty promotion, I am assuming a bug as serious as this, as they promised, warrant a reward.
They replied, these are their exact wording: "At your case there was no BUG."
I replied, if not crediting a player when they win is not a bug, then I don't know what else is a bug.
They replied, these are their exact wording: "We would like to inform you, that that was not a BUG, but some technical maintenance"
Here's my reply:
"If it was a technical maintenance, then why didn't your support mentioned it in the first two e-mail? Instead of apologizing for a maintenance, the first person replied there was nothing wrong with my balance and asked me to double check my transaction, and in the second e-mail they replied there was 3 missing wins and once again failed to mention anything about any maintenance. Do you see the seriousness of this problem?
You have unfairly removed wins from your players when they are not paying attention to their balance, and then only issue a refund when they say they would request a verification DIRECTLY from your provider. And when confronted, say that it is because of a "technical maintenance". Do you know how sketchy this sounds?
And also, for an online casino, when you're in a technical maintenance routine, why aren't there any pre-announcement? There's real money involved, and the sites and games should be temporally shut down for your so called "maintenance".
I find all this hard to believe."
Hello, hueykun
Kindly, let us explain ourselves so everything is clear.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to contact our support about this matter. It is unfortunate, that some of the replies from the support team caused a confusion for you, but we hope you understand it was a complicated case at the time, thus, on behalf of FortuneJack I want to break it down for you in details.
Since yesterday, I have contacted our support and developer team to get a clear view specifically on your case. When you first e-mailed our support you have provided them with the transaction IDs which were obviously not missing, as you were able to see and send them to support via e-mail, that is why you got a reply that everything was fine, implying the transaction IDs mentioned by you. However, they started investigating further, just like it was needed, and found the transactions you had an actual issue with, informing that your account was refunded, including the details about missing transactions and amount in the same reply. I also want to clarify that saying you were going to directly contact the provider for a verification was not the action which actually triggered our support to find the missing transactions.
What else I want to explain about is a bug bounty reward. Yes, it indeed was a bug, but it was not a bug sufficient to get a reward for, as we already knew about it, which for its part caused the minor technical maintenance our support team informed you about, but we are sorry that this was not properly explained to you. As it was a minor issue we did not send a notification to each and every one of our users. It is now resolved and took an hour or so to get fixed.
We take the responsibility and understand that you are the one who got entrapped in the period of maintenance. It is very sad that you sent a request about closing the account before everything was explained. I hope you stay with us, so we want to make it up to you. Not with a bug bounty reward you kindly requested, but to express our good will and apologies.
Our team should contact you shortly.
Hello Mark,
Group of safety and fraud looked over your case.
Please understand that this is the procedure of checking unusual transactions. Unusual transactions cause delays with financing and are defined as any transaction deviating the typical volume of processing.
When FortuneJack creates your accounting record, it also creates the unique financial profile which uses your registration information. Such data are used to recognize unusual transactions as well as the number of accounts on IP address for bonus quantity on one account.
We understand and we take responsibility for a delay of your withdrawal, because protection and safety of our users and their accounting records is our top priority.
Your withdrawal of 110754.16929371 XDG will be complete within an hour.
I have PMed you a transaction ID, so you can check on it yourself.
Здpaвcтвyйтe Mapк,
Гpyппa бeзoпacнocти и фpayдa paccмoтpeлo вaшe дeлo.
Пoжaлyйcтa пpимитe вo внимaниe чтo eтo пpoцeдypa пpoвepки нeoбычныx тpaнзaкций. Heoбычныe тpaнзaкции вызывaют зaдepжки c финaнcиpoвaниeм и oпpeдeляютcя кaк любaя тpaнзaкция, oтклoняющaяcя oт типичнoгo oбъeмa oбpaбoтки.
Кoгдa FortuneJack coздaeт вaшy yчeтнyю зaпиcь, для вac coздaeтcя yникaльный финaнcoвый пpoфиль, кoтopый иcпoльзyeт вaшy peгиcтpaциoннyю инфopмaцию. Taкиe дaнныe, кaк cpeдний paзмep тpaнзaкции и oбъeмы oбpaбoтки, иcпoльзyютcя для oпpeдeлeния нeoбычныx тpaнзaкций. A тaкжe кoличecтвo aккayнтoв нa IP aддpecce кoтopый oпpeдeляeт бoнycнoe кoличecтвo для oднoгo aккayнтa.
Mы пoнeмaeм и бepём oтвeтcтвeннocь зa зaдepжкy вaшeгo вывoдa, пoтoмy чтo зaщитa и бeзoпacнocть нaшиx пoльзoвaтeлeй и иx yчeтныx зaпиceй нaш пpиopитeт.
Baш вывoд 110754.16929371 XDG бyдeт зaвepшeн в тeчeниe чaca.
I have locked the thread so it would not get spammed after I announced our new signature campaign member.
Have a great one, everyone:)