So let me understand this... you would propose a list of services / projects and anyone interested would need to pick one/a few out of that curated pool or everyone promotes what they feels like it ?
It doesn't have to be me who makes a proposal, anyone can. I thought Bisq could be the first project simply because it's a proper decentralized exchange and a platform that isn't as well known as it could be. If you asked the average Joe to name a few crypto exchanges, very few would put Bisq on that list.
Do you plan to find some signature creators to make a few templates that anyone can modify with his own pick of projects ?
You threw an idea our way but I don't see the whole picture. It would definitely help awareness but seems it's not fully polished. A few extra info would be appreciated

First I wanted to see whether we could gather a respectable number of people who would be willing to participate. That's the reason for the other thread with the poll and the list of users who could start tomorrow if needed to. I think we already have about 10 people who could start tomorrow if everything was ready. I think we need more though.
Once we have some kind of idea about the total number, my next step will be to find Bitcointalk members who would be willing to promote the projects we have over social media and other forums, and promote the fact that Bitcointalk is a place where good Bitcoin projects can get some free advertisement. I am not exactly sure how to do that and how to find these people, but I am certain Bitcointalk has many members that have social media accounts they use for paid promotions, for example, be it bounties or similar projects. They might be willing to help. At the same time, I will also try to find a signature creator who could make some designs for free. The emphasis is on FREE because as I stated earlier, this is not about making me or anyone else any money.
Additionally, someone from the project we pick for free advertisement should say a few words on Bitcointalk, create an ANN thread, or find a similar way to engage with the Bitcointalk community and explain what it is that they are doing and why bitcoiners should use their services, etc.
What sort of project will that be if the people behind it don't make any money? How is it going to be maintained? Via donation or what? If they make money via donation for example that will kind of contradict this:
not supposed to make the organizers or the people involved in the promotions any money.
We, the people promoting the projects will not be making any money. You won't be paid for the promotion. I won't be paid, nor will anyone else wearing a signature, helping out with social media promotion, or designing the signatures.