
Topic: Forum advertising space for free signature/avatar advertisement - page 3. (Read 1406 times)

Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
It's been a while since this was proposed. Let's see what everyone feels about it now.

NotATether launched an excellent initiative to counter Greenpeace and their goal to ban Proof of Work and destroy the Bitcoin we know. To learn more about it, check out a website to stop Greenpeace's bitcoin FUD and

I initially thought the first project we could advertise could be Bisq. But right now, I think it's more important to focus on helping spread the word about PoW. Without PoW there is no Bitcoin, hence why would we need Bisq after the destruction of PoW...

My question for members who showed an interest in free promotion is:
Are you interested in promoting

Rizzrack, Mbitr, BitcoinGirl.Club, Z-tight, eddie13, Maestro75, ETFbitcoin, Ucy, NeuroticFish, PX-Z, YOSHIE, skarais, LTU_btc, CryptoHeadlineNews, un_rank, FatFork, Findingnemo, Agbe, libert19, and everyone else share your thoughts please.

The link to the avatar can be found here:

The website logo is copyrighted by myself and is licensed under CC0 (in other words, Creative Commons Universal 1.0).
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
I'm asking because actually the service that will be promoted is a trading platform, and maybe every user who makes transactions there will be charged a fee. It would obviously benefit the platform if forum users here advertised it for free and managed to bring more people to it. I think it only helps platform visibility instead we help bitcoin, imo bitcoin is decentralized from the start and it's up to the users how they maintain their privacy properly. Had they paid a small pay to participants, I think it would have been well worth the effort and time. Or is there something wrong about my assumptions?
By using decentralized exchanges instead of centralized ones, you are helping yourself and in a way you are also helping Bitcoin to run through services which haven't come up with ridiculous rules as to who can and can't use their exchanges and what kind of coins are dirty money in their eyes. Trading fees exist all over the place. We pay them on CEXs plus their withdrawal fees, and no one is advertising them here and getting paid for it. But they still benefit from the community. 
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1228
Playgram - The Telegram Casino
It's always a possibility that something can turn into a scam and people go rogue unfortunately. But I have not considered the need to have a campaign manager. Since there is no money involved here, I doubt anyone would accept that "job" of regularly checking what is going on. The participants can do some basic checks, but that's about it.
Without a manager, I don't think it's a problem because it's a free job, so neither participant feels compelled to make xx weekly posts for it. So it must be as natural as possible but the quality of the posts must still be considered.

I'm asking because actually the service that will be promoted is a trading platform, and maybe every user who makes transactions there will be charged a fee. It would obviously benefit the platform if forum users here advertised it for free and managed to bring more people to it. I think it only helps platform visibility instead we help bitcoin, imo bitcoin is decentralized from the start and it's up to the users how they maintain their privacy properly. Had they paid a small pay to participants, I think it would have been well worth the effort and time. Or is there something wrong about my assumptions?

What are trading fees?
Trading fees are calculated as a percentage of trade size: 0.1% for makers and 0.7% for takers if paid in BTC and about half of that if paid in BSQ.

Keep in mind that you'll also need to pay mining fees for the on-chain transactions, as well as a deposit to lock into the multisig escrow. You'll get the deposit back in full after the trade completes successfully. [source]
Activity: 3668
Merit: 6382
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
(And yes, a campaign manager could be a must, as somebody keeping a close eye on how the advertised service is developing, and make sure people don't end up advertising scam).
It's always a possibility that something can turn into a scam and people go rogue unfortunately. But I have not considered the need to have a campaign manager. Since there is no money involved here, I doubt anyone would accept that "job" of regularly checking what is going on. The participants can do some basic checks, but that's about it.

If the "campaign manager" is a frequent user of the service, this should be no problem.
Else I feel that some of those who may accept to advertise the service may not be OK with this or that simply because they're not that familiar with the service, and you know, since it's also for free, why risk?
Maybe I'm wrong, but this is how I see the things.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
(And yes, a campaign manager could be a must, as somebody keeping a close eye on how the advertised service is developing, and make sure people don't end up advertising scam).
It's always a possibility that something can turn into a scam and people go rogue unfortunately. But I have not considered the need to have a campaign manager. Since there is no money involved here, I doubt anyone would accept that "job" of regularly checking what is going on. The participants can do some basic checks, but that's about it.

First of all before I say yes, let me say, before we wear the signature, avatar and text in any campaign, we must know the kind of service rendering by the company because if we wear a particular signature and avatar and Personal text and in the process or later we discovered that the company has bad reputation. At that stage what will you do?
You stop the promotion. That's all you can do. The name on your signature can in theory become a scam tomorrow same as the brand I am promoting. No one should consider you responsible unless you keep promoting a scam and/or defending it.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
So let me understand this... you would propose a list of services / projects and anyone interested would need to pick one/a few out of that curated pool or everyone promotes what they feels like it ?
It doesn't have to be me who makes a proposal, anyone can. I thought Bisq could be the first project simply because it's a proper decentralized exchange and a platform that isn't as well known as it could be. If you asked the average Joe to name a few crypto exchanges, very few would put Bisq on that list.

Do you plan to find some signature creators to make a few templates that anyone can modify with his own pick of projects ?

You threw an idea our way but I don't see the whole picture. It would definitely help awareness but seems it's not fully polished. A few extra info would be appreciated  Wink
First I wanted to see whether we could gather a respectable number of people who would be willing to participate. That's the reason for the other thread with the poll and the list of users who could start tomorrow if needed to. I think we already have about 10 people who could start tomorrow if everything was ready. I think we need more though.

Once we have some kind of idea about the total number, my next step will be to find Bitcointalk members who would be willing to promote the projects we have over social media and other forums, and promote the fact that Bitcointalk is a place where good Bitcoin projects can get some free advertisement. I am not exactly sure how to do that and how to find these people, but I am certain Bitcointalk has many members that have social media accounts they use for paid promotions, for example, be it bounties or similar projects. They might be willing to help. At the same time, I will also try to find a signature creator who could make some designs for free. The emphasis is on FREE because as I stated earlier, this is not about making me or anyone else any money.

Additionally, someone from the project we pick for free advertisement should say a few words on Bitcointalk, create an ANN thread, or find a similar way to engage with the Bitcointalk community and explain what it is that they are doing and why bitcoiners should use their services, etc.

What sort of project will that be if the people behind it don't make any money? How is it going to be maintained? Via donation or what? If they make money via donation for example that will kind of contradict this:
not supposed to make the organizers or the people involved in the promotions any money.
We, the people promoting the projects will not be making any money. You won't be paid for the promotion. I won't be paid, nor will anyone else wearing a signature, helping out with social media promotion, or designing the signatures.
Activity: 994
Merit: 1089
The idea was to use the empty space available in the header just besides your profile name which is always displayed where ever you go on the forum section.
That area you are talking about is displayed to only you the owner of the account, even the original avatar space is displayed to only the owner above, in the header, it is only displayed to other member's of the forum when they make a post or if a member visits your profile.

If the administrator should code an avatar space on that other side you are talking about, it will be visible to only the owner of the account in the header above, so where exactly will it be displayed to other forum member's when you make a post, under the current avatar space? Therefore member's will start having two avatars, one above and the other beneath?

I don't like the idea of two avatars, one is enough for whatever we wish to use it for, either commercial or for free, a member should choose one.
hero member
Activity: 2114
Merit: 603
There is even great plan for this to execute which I mentioned earlier and many of them liked it but as always no actions were taken and that thread was lost into historical pages of Bitcointalk Forum.

The idea was to use the empty space available in the header just besides your profile name which is always displayed where ever you go on the forum section.

Why not use that empty space. Code signature space their and one can display or rent it out as per current discussion.

Checkout the red box. This is screenshot from phone view, desktop view gives more space to use.

How about that space? It can be utilised for this purpose.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
Thanks for doing that! No decision has been made yet about what to advertise. I thought of Bisq because they are one of the most popular decentralized exchanges we have in this niche. The avatars are nice. Are they the right size? I like the black and white one the most. I will create a poll to see how many people we can gather to participate in advertisement campaigns.
hero member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 785
Many Bitcoiners are advocating for the use of decentralized exchanges instead of centralized ones, and rightly so. Since one of the most popular ones is Bisq, how would the community feel about promoting Bisq for free by wearing a signature, avatar, or a personal text for a while. It's not really the thing I had in mind when I started this topic, which was supposed to be about promoting new projects, but I feel like it's still a good idea.

I don't remember ever seeing an ad for Bisq anywhere and I don't think they pay much attention to marketing. Before I create a poll to see how interested people would be in advertising something for free, I would like to hear what you think about having Bisq as the first project?

So in regards to the free advertisement you guys have been discussing, and choosing to promote a decentralized exchange which is "Bisq", i have been able to design a few avatar for ''Bisq'' that could be used for the free promotion. So please O.P ''Pmalek'' and the rest of others, what have you to say about this avatar design, and which colour do you think is more perfect..? Alright...

Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
I could always promote useful Open Source software that is connected with Bitcoin, and stuff related with improving privacy.
Even stuff that has nothing to do with Bitcoin could be on my radar, like KeePass, Librewolf browser, Tor browser, SearX, GrapheneOS, NewPipe, etc.
No argument there. Whatever is good for the crypto scene and/or improves the privacy and security of individuals can be taken into consideration. But like I mentioned earlier, I do wish that the projects or software we end up advertising find a way to give back to the Bitcointalk community. This might be a bigger challenge than finding enough people to wear signatures and avatars.   
Activity: 2212
Merit: 7064
It's one of the concern since so far there very few members who voluntary wear free signature/avatar. Additionally, i think we need to make sure people know it's unofficial promotion or let Bisq community know someone is running unofficial promotion.
Most members had free custom avatars since the beginning of bitcointalk forum, and nobody ever asked them if someone is paying them for that or not.
It could be any random image, promotion of my local grocery shop, ad for selling my car, or advertisement for dog food, it's my avatar and my personal business.
Different story would be if some company officially creates ANN bounty topic and publicly hires members for their promotion.

Anyone is free to recommend anything they consider worth advertising. So if you have something on your mind, feel free to share it.
I could always promote useful Open Source software that is connected with Bitcoin, and stuff related with improving privacy.
Even stuff that has nothing to do with Bitcoin could be on my radar, like KeePass, Librewolf browser, Tor browser, SearX, GrapheneOS, NewPipe, etc.

Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
Additionally, i think we need to make sure people know it's unofficial promotion or let Bisq community know someone is running unofficial promotion.
One of the things I mentioned in OP (maybe it can be called a requirement as well) is that the project should make an announcement thread on Bitcointalk, introduce itself to the community, and describe what it is that they do. Since Bisq already has an ANN page (even though it's not official), it's not a new project, and many people know what it is, it would be weird to ask them to make a new one. I would expect that someone from their team takes the time to share a few words with the members here though. The community would be doing them a favor after all. If they don't feel like talking to us, maybe we shouldn't waste our time with them either. The timing is also quite good since they are going to release a new version of their exchange, so there are topics for discussion. You brought up the security deposits, for example. That's one thing I don't like and maybe it can be an optional feature if both parties agree to it.

In my opinion, this idea makes sense and would be a great way to support new projects, but there's one glaring problem: who is going to decide what projects make it in? How will they be selected?
Anyone is free to recommend anything they consider worth advertising. So if you have something on your mind, feel free to share it. And besides, it doesn't have to be one project that everyone promotes at the same time. Let's say we get 20 people interested in this kind of promotion, and we have 2 decent projects that we could promote. It's perfectly fine to go for the one you like better. Even if the majority likes project #1, the others are free to promote #2, even if it's just 2-3 people. 
hero member
Activity: 1456
Merit: 940
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!
In my opinion, this idea makes sense and would be a great way to support new projects, but there's one glaring problem: who is going to decide what projects make it in? How will they be selected?
There are a number of scammers in the industry who will just try to take peoples money away, and to get rich off of this. If this is used for the success of new projects, then it has to be done right. I'm hopeful that we can come up with a way for people to provide feedback and in turn, make the decision for new projects to be accepted. But I'm not sure how we would accomplish this.

I mean, a project could turn out to be a scam at any point, even legitimate once and you never can tell of projects having back doors and shits like that until the damage begins to manifest and then, we would have ourselves to blame. Am just saying!
You can say the same thing about any service or campaign that is currently running on the forum. Anything we advertise right now (you, me, and everyone else) can in theory turn into a scam. There is no difference if you are getting paid for the promotion or not. You shouldn't advertise known scams, but no one has a Magic 8 ball to see what will happen in the future.

It is true, but there is a difference. Current signature campaigns cost money, and scammers generally can't afford or don't want to spend money on promotion. There were some exceptions, of course, such as Yobit, 1xbit and similar scams. However, this has been handled with a negative trust for the participants since they received financial benefits from promoting scams.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
I think it's fine idea as long as it has decent design/text, but i have small concern since it'd be unofficial promotion.
Concerns in what way? Do you mean there will be a lack of interest in promoting something in this way?

I guess what I was trying to say is, "sure this isn't so much for something your not directly on the team?".
Nice, repeat it a second time in the same way. That makes it much clearer.

I mean, a project could turn out to be a scam at any point, even legitimate once and you never can tell of projects having back doors and shits like that until the damage begins to manifest and then, we would have ourselves to blame. Am just saying!
You can say the same thing about any service or campaign that is currently running on the forum. Anything we advertise right now (you, me, and everyone else) can in theory turn into a scam. There is no difference if you are getting paid for the promotion or not. You shouldn't advertise known scams, but no one has a Magic 8 ball to see what will happen in the future.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1139
* Sure this isn't so much for something your not exactly on  the team?
Sorry, I didn't understand what you are asking here.
I guess what I was trying to say is, "sure this isn't so much for something your not directly on the team?".

Apparently, it won't be a one man thing vouching for services that could surface on the proposed advert space, perhaps it might come through some pool voting of some sort as we do often on the forum but, won't it be so much to actually stick put your neck whe you aren't directly on the development team? I mean, a project could turn out to be a scam at any point, even legitimate once and you never can tell of projects having back doors and shits like that until the damage begins to manifest and then, we would have ourselves to blame. Am just saying!
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
Many Bitcoiners are advocating for the use of decentralized exchanges instead of centralized ones, and rightly so. Since one of the most popular ones is Bisq, how would the community feel about promoting Bisq for free by wearing a signature, avatar, or a personal text for a while. It's not really the thing I had in mind when I started this topic, which was supposed to be about promoting new projects, but I feel like it's still a good idea.

I don't remember ever seeing an ad for Bisq anywhere and I don't think they pay much attention to marketing. Before I create a poll to see how interested people would be in advertising something for free, I would like to hear what you think about having Bisq as the first project?
Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
Instead of helping those people to have free advertisement why not create a free thread group...
What in God's name is a "free thread group?"

which other people can volunteer to participate then those businessman who want to avail the project need to pay
Pay? Didn't you say in your previous sentence that the "thread group" is free? So the "businessmen" need to pay a fee in the "free thread group" for what exactly? For promotion? How is that different from a classic signature campaign? I am trying to give legitimate projects (if we can find such) some free promotion. I don't want to create some free group to collect money. 

and the payments will go directly to theymos wallet address use on auction for sure this will help more the forum and it will be beneficial to all users.
The forum doesn't need financial aid. Bitcointalk has millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. What would be auctioned off? "Free thread group" t-shirts and other merchandise? Maybe a "free thread group" physical Bitcoin.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2736
Farewell LEO: o_e_l_e_o
Instead of helping those people to have free advertisement why not create a free thread group which other people can volunteer to participate then those businessman who want to avail the project need to pay and the payments will go directly to theymos wallet address use on auction for sure this will help more the forum and it will be beneficial to all users.
The whole point of OP is to help bitcoin projects giving a free advertising.

Problem will start when there will be conflict of interests among forum users when some will not get the opportunity, they will think it was unjustified for them.
There is no perfect system and you can't make everyone happy. You can try your best to stay neutral and professional though. Ultimately, each person should have the right to promote what they believe is right or better.
It's possible when a group of users or individual will give their time voluntarily.

sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 363
You just convince scammer to come here because there is a free advertising campaign running in this forum.

Instead of helping those people to have free advertisement why not create a free thread group which other people can volunteer to participate then those businessman who want to avail the project need to pay and the payments will go directly to theymos wallet address use on auction for sure this will help more the forum and it will be beneficial to all users.
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