I'll give you an example of where your post/reply would be graded as a "failure" by the average teacher in the world:
"Doe an ICO project require effort spent in public relations? Why or why not?"
Your statement doesn't give any reason or substance with respect to your point of view. So, based on the spirit of raising standards here on this forum, you do need to write complete thoughts to explain what is obvious to possibly only you....to those that are not mind readers which is pretty much everyone as far as anyone knows.
1- we are not in or at school
2- i dont think you are qualifyed as a teacher either
3 - when we are in a group fighting for decentralisation this kind of MOD " i delete all what i dont like" or " dont have enaught explanations to support the comment" make me laught.
any retard would understand that without public relation an ico is a failure, obviously the MOD need a picture in 3 dimentions
1) Your reply that "we are not in or at school" shows that you, yourself, do not understand even complex explanations or analogies, further strengthening the argument for why the mods must be strict to eliminate incomplete statements or utter nonsense.
2) I don't care what you think about my abilities to teach. I was giving an example as to what is considered acceptable vs. unacceptable in the English speaking portion of the world and what is considered of high standards...standards that the moderators are trying to enforce to lend credibility to this forum that is otherwise becoming unreadable because of shitposters.
3) Who fights for this? People whose English sucks? If you cannot write in English at a reasonable level, stick to your native language forum. This is a no-contest no-brainer.
Be careful when talking about retards....most people posting on these forums probably have an IQ near that level....so in this case it's the MODS protecting the majority of the readers that do not post.