Everything he knows about me I SENT HIM when I requested his hidden image in the private message. My OS, my browser, my screen resolution, etc, all that information is sent in my browser when I make a connection. He's just trying to scare new users into paying up. This link shows everything about your system that is revealed every time you visit any webpage: http://browserspy.dk/
Other than that, he is totally wrong about my system. I use a technology called port knocking that renders his cheap port scanning scripts useless. He can't crack my system - he can't even figure out which proxy I am using without knowing with ports to "knock" at and in which sequence.
I also never said you couldn't find my IP - I know the internet better than you, and know what is and is not possible. Stop making up stories.
With that being said, I am done entertaining this loser - have fun scaring people who know little in this thread. As someone who has been in IT longer than you, I just want everyone to know you they have
nothing to fear from your skills.
I connect scanned you today, but if you check I SYN scanned you before. That gets around port knocking. Both showed the exact same results.
Anyways, why would you show RDP and SSH if you were using post knocking, seems like those are two you would definitely want to block from being scanned, especially since last month there was a 0-day for RDP.
Yeah you are right that info was sent from your browser, but notice I used
http://iplogger.org you tell me how you request the headers from them. But thats not all, it was logged by websites you visited before too, and some of these websires accidentally leak their logs. So now your telling me your the only person who uses this proxy that is hosted in somebodies house in Alberta which you happen to be from too and that I can't scan because of port knocking even though I SYNed you first before I connect scanned.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fextremetracking.com%2Fopen%3Bcsv.last%3Flogin%3Dgreenads&oq=cache%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fextremetracking.com%2Fopen%3Bcsv.last%3Flogin%3Dgreenads&gs_l=serp.3...1985.2578.1.2747. for your IP on that page.