Hey, it's a bit scummy that the numbers at the stats page are going up in a fake manner. It only takes a page refresh to find it out lol.
It is a bit scummy to call it fake when you don't understand it. The stats page is cached on Cloudflare and updated once per hour. When it is updated we run an animation that counts from the old number to the new number to give you a sense of how fast the values are increasing. When you refresh the page less than one hour since the last time you just restart that animation.
Yet another complete and total lie. If you look at the JS that produces this "animation", which its NOT, it's not an "animation" at all, its a simple JS counter that counts up and never stops. You'll see that there is no such thing as a "start and stop" number. If you let the page run, those numbers would continually go up FOREVER and never stop at "the new number" because THERE IS NO NEW NUMBER. You're just lying out your ass again. The guy is right, it's 100% scummy to produce FAKE stats (although we already know the stats are fake to begin with, this just exacerbates the problem and makes it MORE obvious).
Using the "Cloudflare caches them" as an excuse is like saying we put in a stop sign because there was a stop light there. It makes no sense at all because it's just as easy to "no-cache" a page/api call and cloudflare respects that. There are also other ways to make it non-cached such as ajax queries, websocket, and others. NONE of which would ever get cached because they wouldnt ever go through cloudflare to begin with. So the "cache" excuse, simply doesnt fly. Never has, never will. There is just no excuse to fake statistical numbers. Ever. In any circumstance. There are always ways to get live stats somehow WITHOUT faking it, you just have to open your eyes to see that fact. It would take literally 15-30 mins to setup an ajax stats display and probably 3 hours to setup a good websocket connection (which is the best method). If the "cache" excuse held any water at all, then the same "counter" would have to be used to display your own balance.