how to use this script on to roll 9999 lucky numer
any script that works have tested that script
set_time_limit(360); // number of seconds to run script, default is 30
$_jackpot = $_10k_pz = $_prize1 = $_prize2 = $_prize3 = $_prize4 = $_prize5 = $_lo = $_hi = 0;
$tries = 20000; //Number of tires
$c=0;// Iteration count
do {
// nonce = $c;
// 12 char server seed string, 16 char client seed string
$nhash = hash_hmac('sha512',$c.':'.seed_string(12).':'.$c,$c.':'.seed_string(16).':'.$c,false);
$_no = round(hexdec(mb_substr($nhash, 0, 8 ))/429496.7295); // Changed from ceil() to round()
$_jackpot += ($_no == 8888);
$_10k_pz += ($_no == 10000);
$_prize1 += ($_no >= 0 && $_no <= 9885);
$_prize2 += ($_no >= 9886 && $_no <= 9985);
$_prize3 += ($_no >= 9986 && $_no <= 9993);
$_prize4 += ($_no >= 9994 && $_no <= 9997);
$_prize5 += ($_no >= 9998 && $_no <= 9999);
} while ($c <= $tries);
echo '
[Counts out of ', $tries, ' tries]
Jackpots: ', $_jackpot, '
10000 prize: ', $_10k_pz, '
0000-9885: ', $_prize1, '
9886-9985: ', $_prize2, '
9986-9993: ', $_prize3, '
9994-9997: ', $_prize4, '
9998-9999: ', $_prize5, '
function make_rand($l,$h) {
return mt_rand($l,$h);
function make_seed() {
list($usec,$sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 65536);
function seed_string ($itr) {
$charSet = str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789');
$ranStr = null;
for ($i = 0; $i < $itr; $i++) {
$ranStr[] = substr($charSet, mt_rand(0, strlen($charSet)), 1);
return implode($ranStr,'');
?>no work for me its nothing guys any other script that works is really great