A forum is a place for people to discuss something they have a common interest in. As nobody is replying to you repeatedly posting the same thing it indicates they are not interested in talking to you. So you are spamming this thread.
I never had a streak go this far before. 17 in a row. Previous high was 14. If this had been LOW instead of HIGH, I would have been screwed.
It's good to see a winning streak posted for a change. It usually the losses that get people talking on here.
Maybe proof of deposits (Email Acknowledgements) would make for a good post for a losing streak where no gambling took place at all it was just called confiscation, theft, stealing of an account balance. As stated though you blocked me after 1 message though you said I flooded you with messages you can still reach me and put an end to this. You are making it look like you don't have my 1.3M Satoshis anymore, maybe went to help fund some prizes. A man who thinks they are so smart like you (Think ::)You are should have returned my money, not yours, Immediatey! PM me to resolve this matter as it will only get worse next week when I show more insulting posts and proof you are influencing removal of posts where you get to say something disparaging and I dont get to say my side. Would be nice if there was a side chat as this is becoming time consuming, but UK Lawyer may be convinced to do something to help me out in a much bigger way.