I second that
I think Wetsuit fine tuned this operation to the tee and any change in the house edge will unbalance the whole thing. Let's rather accept that a higher house edge is necessary to cross fund other features on the site and be done with it. We do not want a lower house edge with less features, right? Freebitco.in is a streamlined engine and too many tinkering will cause damage to the well oiled gears of the operation.
Can we not start a new line mid sentence, it's causing me quite a headache.
But yeah in some ways it probably is quite streamlined, I think giving 0.4% of what is wagered is quite high but if it works then fine (I'd be up for the idea of reducing the referral bonus since thequin wants to attract noobs who probably won't find this site through others and are more likely to stumble across it in other places and on this forum)...
I disagree. Dropping the house edge will pull the customer base you should be targeting, not the faucet suckers that are sucking the place dry at the moment. Freebitco.in is not a faucet site anymore, so there is no reason why we should add higher referral bonuses to attract these non-gamblers.
I think gamblers are looking for sites with the lowest house edge and by dropping the house edge, we would be drawing in the target crowd that we should be targeting.
Thank you.
Onto the topic, I think yes it would be good to see the house edge a bit lower and people would be more interested, if you can get everything with just a 3% edge then that's even better than the 5%.
I agree. It's like reducing the prices of meals in a well established expensive restaurant at the expense of food quality. Nobody does that, although it may seem like lowering the prices can attract more customers.
It's extremely hard to find a good working business model. And once you've found it, you shouldn't make critical changes while it works perfectly.
But when your chef quits you have to change the way you run things to keep up your reputation
I apologise for touching some sort of soft spot here but clearly, reducing the house edge to 3% would make it a greater site to play on and also mean you'd giveaway more lottery tickets, meaning, if people buy them, you go in profit if they try and get the same percentage each round or something.