I know you don't want to give out all information about how the de- and increase of the rewards work, but I hope you can answer me a simple question towards this:
Is the amount of gambling or lottery tickes you have to buy somehow constrained to this ominous bonus that is mentiond in the box above the Free BTC payout table and says "Play MULTIPLY BTC or buy lottery tickets to increase your FREE BTC rewards by up to +0.00000475 BTC 0.0933% achieved towards the next +0.00000025 BTC bonus!"?
e.g. Do I have to reache 100% there to get the regular reward back?
I was woundering because there it also says that Multiply counts with a factor of 4 and lottery with a factor of 20.
Although the bonus also goes up when you gamble or buy lottery tickets it doesn't take into account your balance so the two things are not directly related.
Thanks, can you say something to the magnitude of tickets you have to buy to get the reward back up?
Initially I was asking, because currently I bought 100 tickets and this bonus mentioned above is at ~ 0.1%, so I would need roughtly 100,000 tickets to get it to 100%.
Do I need no buy that much tickets to get the reward back up or is it more like 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 50,000 ...
I just want to evaluate wether it is worth for me to get the reward back up or to continue with the low reward.