So far, i made about 300k sats out of 800 Claims. That's about 375 sats per Claim.
I gambled on the site with a "high" bankroll (0.25 BTC) and got the Bonus amount by wagering.
This Bonus lasts VERY VERY Long and decreases only slowly.
Also, the possibility of the multiply Bonus account is kinda nice.
So far, earned me about 0.07 btc
May I know how much time you spent to earn that 0.07 BTC?
Almost 33.4 full days to earn 0.003 BTC and also you risked your 0.25BTC to increase per claim amount. This site got highest house edge and it is not worth to risk your 0.25BTC to earn a small increment in your per claim amount.
You should have spent that time in some other place to earn better amount instead wasting to claim small amount. You may not use all time to claim it but still it is waste of time.
It is not wasting time if he claims on his spare time only, wasting time is when he claim it as much as he can (something like more than 12claims per day). I have to agree that it is not worth to risk 0.25btc on this site for dust.
If you're sat in front of a computer all day then it's not really wasting any time to have it open in a tab on your browser. I've been doing this on and off since the site started and picked up about 15-20 active referrals. My free roll winnings + referral commissions - multiply losses = 0.34552756 so about $1500.