I have complied with what they want, I have provided all my personal data according to their request, but Freewallet is still holding my funds until now. I tried to find out, it turned out that my funds had been transferred to their wallet address without me knowing, and the freewallet reasoned it was a cold storage wallet. in this way they deceive their customers. thanks for the advice i will try..
As soon as you opened a wallet with them, you were shown their addresses, not yours. They just moved your funds between their wallets...
So, if you complied, you have following options left:
Comply with them, and hope they finally give you access to your funds[DONE]- Keep bugging them by creating a thread on bitcointalk and other forums, by leaving reviews on review sites, by publicly asking them updates on twitter and facebook and other social media platforms
- Find a lawyer that wants to go after them
- If you ever get your funds back, move them away from freewallet as soon as possible
But, THEY are the ones who hold the private keys, the only ones that can give you access to your funds are THEM... So, unless they decide to give you your own money, or untill you force them (by getting a lawyer or giving them bad publicity) nothing will happen.
None of these steps give any guarantee...