The problem with so-called experts, they are often wrong. They have their own agenda that has not yet been revealed. I take the view of the experts with a pinch of salt rather than blind obedience.
See this is the thing. You are calling hypothetical experts "so-called" experts, but experts really actually ARE experts. And saying things like "I take experts opinions with a grain of salt" is not understanding the term expert. What is happening is the experts explanation is difficult for you to understand and its causing you to take their explanation with a grain of salt which really means you are assuming you are smarter than them and you are listening to your own subjective opinion because thats the easier route than taking time to understand what the experts are saying.
Anyone can read an expert's paper on a subject. Afterwards it is "par for the course" that those who have read the paper to debate among themselves hoping for new insights, discovery of what the agenda(s) are, etc.
No this isn't true all, many people cannot read an experts paper because it is too complex for them. That's why you and others continually quote the one line you think you understand from the bitcoin.pdf which you think says "bitcoin is supposed to be scaled to be a coffee money because that is what cash is and banks are evil" but it doesn't say, its actually a technical paper.
New discoveries and truths do not come from silly discussion about conspiracy theories by a group of posters that are unwilling to understand the expert opinions on a technology.
You attacking everyone claiming we are all ignorance, when you are an economic illiterate is hilarious.
No, you see I actually read books on economics. And I am probably the only person familiar with John Nash works ideal money which is 20 years of lectures on the subject of the macro-economic implications of the introduction of an international e-currency with an asymptotically stable inflation schedule. You have claimed to have read 100 books and write on mises (refuse to prove it) and you think macro-economic science is rubbish. And you are laughing at me for being "economic illiterate"?
Macroeconomics economists failed to see/predict the 2008 recession, dot-com boom, early 1990s recession, early 1980s recession, stagflation of the 1970s.
I think real economist understand that predicting the economy is like weather its not at all an exact science because we don't enough information to solve the complexity.
Microeconomics economists (Austrian school of economics, libertarians, etc) saw all these economic disaster coming and their warnings were ignored by the vested-interest media and politicians.
No. You see Austrian school of economic theory is exactly what I am citing when I say predicting the economy is not possible. Hayek, which I have also read, explains this and I will quote and cite if you try to argue.
I think what you are REALLY saying is you have been calling for FUD for many many years, and you are reading other FUDster economists that have been doing the same. Calling always for a complete collapse of the financial system (and bitcoin will emerge as the savior).
That's all just a symptom of not understand macro-economics, which you admit you don't, and it cause a chicken little sky is failing outlook which, yes, many many people will have because most people also don't understand economics.
Just give up attacking those who don't agree with your agenda and leave us all to continue our research.
My agenda is to come into threads where posters are making ridiculous claims and assertions about economics and bitcoin, and to challenge them to produce a single economic book they have read. You do not do research, this is not research, this a thread full of posters with no intention of doing research titled "fuck the experts".