Post count: 7246
BTC address (SegWit): 3LF9fC24C3oSNoVUHcMD78ufCJsRyQWwyC username: Rikafip
Post count: 4769
BTC address (SegWit): bc1qyw460yfzlku43zq84d8dp8x57zspnel670uufv6kveltagyr62zq5ulzac username: igehhh
You two are accepted into campaign. Welcome to our new/old members. Change your signature when convenient and send me post count at that moment.
Payments for week 80 have been sent. Or more correctly will be shortly
Tx. id: fdd7e9c4056b57e733e55ea6d45f6723d936697700cae3ad08a382802aacd45c
We used current rate of 1BTC = 43.605 USD
This week we are rewarding following 3 participants with about 20$ worth of free spins each:
Transaction is still not live, it will become so in an hour or a bit more when cryptofrka gets home and signs it. We are back to full compliment with above additions. Campaign is still open for another week, we may select more people or not, still deciding. Do not apply again if you already applied last week.
Merry Christmas guys