Sounds pretty interesting and I would like to receive a copy of that PDF. Can you upload it somewhere or send me a link via PM? I saw, that there is a new cl_amd_media_ops2 extension in the latest drivers, but I could not find and documentation for it (the first one is used for BFI_INT patching). Would be very nice, if BFI_INT would be directly accessible via OpenCL, so that we could kick the binary patching out. The vec3 bug is really strange, I guess it happens in the Python host code and not in the kernel, because KernelAnalyzer will run it just fine.
I'm looking forward to further discussions!
I'm not sure where I downloaded it, but I can easily e-mail you it. The cl_amd_media_ops2 command is for mapping 3d images, so that doesn't help us. But if you look at AMD 11.12 driver they tell you to add an environment path "GPU_ASYNC_MEM_COPY=2" to make use of a new feature. There is a preview driver of the opencl 1.2 that adds some functionality. They are lifting the rule of only 1 overloaded function, and will allow you to code directly in c++. Here is a reference card of commands
Here is the bases to one of the new commands (cl_khr_fp64) -- adds double floating-point precision.
Only works on AMD 69xx devices though, and probably the GCN cards
I'm trying to find a direct link to this nice pdf I found with excellent examples. I have the file on my computer though.
Ah! found it... Look at page 56-60
This code should look familiar to anybody who took a programming class.