Relax! We have to wait a few weeks I think. Tell the story to all the cryptofans you know and we will see where we go.
I believe we go up!
Sometimes a little time is a good thing. Gives time to weed out daytraders and investors. If it goes up to fast. you don't have any natural levels of support.
This is extremely healthy. consolidation @ or above the ICO price after its past month of trading is a good start, but by no means do I feel this is it. This is just the start. Some people are okay with small gains, or just don't know about GAIA yet. Wait until a few large investors start fighting for GAIA coins.
We really need more awareness. I am doing my part on twitter, ect. Waiting for other initiatives to join in and help. We are a news article, or an additional exchange or two away from major pump in price.
Working together is necessary. When I look in ircchat, I see over 100 persons in #gaiacoin. If only these people work together we can reach a lot!