It is not challenging because the amount is very small, aside from that it is not your own money therefore you dont really feel anything even if you ended up spending everything. In the end you are going to just feel that it is just a kind of game token that you can keep on getting whenever you have run out of it
You are correct mate. There is really no sense of personal ownership with faucet and therefore you can't just question that all of your earnings from faucet will all gone in an instant because in the first place, you just got it for free.
There is no entertainment we get in faucet gambling. This only helps for beginners. They don't know how to play gambling right so they can get some experience with this faucet money. But this will not give more fun to experience players. Actually, the experience people will not like this faucet gambling. People do not take seriously with playing free money. If they want to become a pro in gambling, they must play with real money.
That is true. Faucet are designed to be able to get the feel and knowldge as to how to play the game in any onine casinos. There is really no need to shell out more money just to test these online casino games, you can test it with the use of faucet.