
Topic: Gambling Addiction at its Worst! - page 4. (Read 3513 times)

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January 02, 2020, 06:54:28 PM
Any type of addiction may or may not be gambling, because all addicts can do something horrible to the extent that it costs life and others. I'm gambling but I've made sure I'm gambling moderately because I don't want to be so addicted to gambling and I haven't done anything as dumb as what OP said. Gambling should only be treated as another way to have fun and enjoy to avoid serious addiction. Because in a long term you can never make a living.
Addiction is very severe, and needed to be stop. We should control ourselves on everything, if we will be addicted expect that other lives will be affected as well. We need to control our money and also our emotion. That is the best thing to do, if we lose accept that fact that not all day we will win, as what other says win some, lose some.
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January 02, 2020, 06:04:22 PM
I heard about that story and the news because my uncle had previously worked in the same casino. It's sad to hear people being unable to control themselves and even commit crimes just to try gambling. As for me, gambling is only for fun, and if we don't regulate our impulses, it could ruin our lives. Greed could result in losses, so when it comes to gambling, we have to know our limits.
Gambling is for entertainment and fun, yes. Gambling isn't really for some normal persons 'cause probably they will get addicted to it and most likely, their lives will be ruined. Actually, you're lucky enough to have relatives that knows the reality inside a casino so you and your family will be aware of it. It is true that most of the time, people always getting addicted when they feel satisfaction.

They should have control and have limitations on each thing to avoid addiction. There are many things where we can feel satisfaction, not only in gambling so I hope they learn it early.
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January 02, 2020, 05:27:25 PM
Perhaps the worst thing is when you start asking people to have money for your own in gambling. In reality, it doesn't help, even if we're sure to have gains or win, as long as we go beyond our limits in gambling or literally gambling funds that aren't from our own pocket is considered to be the worst thing to do. I had that one instance in my life and I realised how bad that decision was after losing that money, so I don't do it again and just share my experience with others.
In some cases that we ask loans in order to have funds for gambling. It gonna be worsened the situation having like this and it sometimes they commit illegalities, robbery in order to sustain their needs. Gambling addiction could ruin everything your self and it happens already.
For we still have time to change it, better do it now seriously not just by talks but it need immediate action.
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January 02, 2020, 03:21:23 PM
If gambling experience is worst people who feeling such thing they should move from gambling field and search for different option to make the profit with their investment.
Most of the investors in gambling field are very greedy or make fun with their investment.

Although many fall prey to gambling platforms based on their greediness. Having gambling addiction is the most dangerous addiction that could lead to total crash which could lead to a gambler death. Have seen many gamblers that died because of their careless attitudinal approach to gambling. Gambling is one of the investment that could produce fast and reliable prohrams. Gambling can bring a good ROI.
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January 02, 2020, 03:12:10 PM
I was reading the news this morning and one of the headlines was about a terrible stealing incident involving an alleged gambling addict. The man is an employee of R&L Investments, one of the Philippines' oldest stock brokerage firms. He was able to orchestrate a way to suck at least ₱700-million worth of stocks from the company to support his gambling addiction. This is around 14 million USD, huge enough for the company to decide its closure after 5 decades of operation.[1]

This case made me remember another news that shocked the country and beyond more than a couple of years ago. This incident involved another gambling addict who tried to burn down the casino inside Resorts World Manila. The man entered the casino fully armed and attempted to steal chips. It went awry and much worse from there, and ended up burning himself alive. The gambling addiction of the perpetrator had reached its worst end after initially causing separation from his family, selling of properties including his home and car, incurring huge debts, and so on. The incident claimed dozens of lives.[2]

I want to ask my fellow gamblers here, what is the worst thing you have done for your gambling hobby or habit? Have you come to the point of getting addicted to it and how did you counter it?




I have seen one of relative succumbing to his gambling addiction. His addiction got so worst that he started taking loan , left his job and also started going away from home for days to chase his luck to win. Later all he was left with was debt and dues. Fortunately his kids were settled enough to support their mom and protect their properties else the bank would have siezed that too
sr. member
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January 02, 2020, 01:44:43 PM
If gambling experience is worst people who feeling such thing they should move from gambling field and search for different option to make the profit with their investment.
Most of the investors in gambling field are very greedy or make fun with their investment.
Gambling as investment needs a lot more skills in controlling your emotions, best to engaged with other kinds of business instead of keeping yourself
being stressed each time you losses your money. Greed is the number one killer of each gamblers, people who doesn't know how to act accordngly
always find themselves being addicted and loses much of their savings.
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January 02, 2020, 01:23:55 PM
If gambling experience is worst people who feeling such thing they should move from gambling field and search for different option to make the profit with their investment.
Most of the investors in gambling field are very greedy or make fun with their investment.
sr. member
Activity: 734
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January 02, 2020, 12:39:32 PM

This is not that easy as you've thought. Control yourself when you feel that you addicted to it?

This is quite hilarious,.. how can anyone control himself when he is already addicted.

The thing to do here is to control ourselves for us not to get addicted because when we are in the situation that we are already addicted, the read problem will come and we won't be able to control anymore. That situation, we need some help from people who truly cares for us to eliminate that addiction.
Its very hard to control our self once we get addicted on gambling because addicted is the one i know that is getting worse when getting addicted in gambling. So many people are getting addicted in gambling because they want to get more money and some are enjoying play even they are losing there money.
In the start it is not hard for any person to control our self if any person who will start gambling will think for their family members and they will also think for their money and will make a planner for their gambling then they will not be addicted and whenever they will play they will care to not lose too much money and will not spend the whole day in gambling.
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January 02, 2020, 11:44:44 AM

This is not that easy as you've thought. Control yourself when you feel that you addicted to it?

This is quite hilarious,.. how can anyone control himself when he is already addicted.

The thing to do here is to control ourselves for us not to get addicted because when we are in the situation that we are already addicted, the read problem will come and we won't be able to control anymore. That situation, we need some help from people who truly cares for us to eliminate that addiction.
Its very hard to control our self once we get addicted on gambling because addicted is the one i know that is getting worse when getting addicted in gambling. So many people are getting addicted in gambling because they want to get more money and some are enjoying play even they are losing there money.
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January 02, 2020, 09:46:30 AM
And don't be desperate to attain huge profits as you gamble. This will lead somebody to have that desperate call and also if he's losing much. Addiction starts with the urge of what you want to get back and achieve and that's happening in gambling.

Achievement that you want to get in such furious manner will trigger you with the wrong way. Balancing and knowing your boundaries, if the money doesn't belong to you then don't show any interest of using it or even borrowing it. Gamble with your money, not with others.
And yes! Frustrations and desperations are the starting cause of this things , the result of it is addiction, some of us may say that they are not gambling addict they are just want to play and get back what they have been losing , continuing to play just for you to get what you've lost is addiction , we should accept any result of our game and make a good strategy in the next  game.
It is an addiction when you're trying to retrieve most of your losses and this is the reason why many doesn't seem to be firm with their decision of quitting. It's because when they think of their losses, they are feeling sorry of how big they've made.

Accepting is a must and if there's a struggle on that part, think of something that you can do to avoid or stop yourself from going into addiction.
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January 01, 2020, 04:54:50 AM
The meaning is that as far as controlling our actions and behavior is concerned, we should avoid gambling altogether (if we don't want to find out). To put it differently, if we started to gamble and have a propensity and natural tendency to turn into a gambling addict sooner or later, it can be too late to try to exert that control. On the other hand, if we are not to become a compulsive gambler, what is to control here as we are already always in control by default?
gambling is not made for everyone especially people that can't control emotion, accept fate and can't view gambling as a game of chance.
I don't understand what you mean by in control by default, the game or fund?

Well, you can't control the game as it is a game of chance (say, dice)

And there is nothing you can control since if you could control the odds, they wouldn't be odds anymore, right? Regardless, what I mean is that if we don't have a pathological inclination for or an incurable obsession with gambling (read, we won't become gambling addicts no matter how long we play or how much we lose in the process), we don't have to consciously control ourselves

In other words, the control which gambling addicts lack is already hard-wired in us, and we don't have to exert it against our feelings or desire. We just stop playing at the right time and it comes off natural, so we don't have to force ourselves to halt. This is likely the best way we should play games of chance, while truly enjoying them and without suffering any dramatic consequences and aftereffects (think hangover here)
sr. member
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January 01, 2020, 03:21:28 AM
And don't be desperate to attain huge profits as you gamble. This will lead somebody to have that desperate call and also if he's losing much. Addiction starts with the urge of what you want to get back and achieve and that's happening in gambling.

Achievement that you want to get in such furious manner will trigger you with the wrong way. Balancing and knowing your boundaries, if the money doesn't belong to you then don't show any interest of using it or even borrowing it. Gamble with your money, not with others.
And yes! Frustrations and desperations are the starting cause of this things , the result of it is addiction, some of us may say that they are not gambling addict they are just want to play and get back what they have been losing , continuing to play just for you to get what you've lost is addiction , we should accept any result of our game and make a good strategy in the next  game.
Gambling addicts are most likely the people who often lose money in gambling. Sometimes they win but the losses that they experiencing are massive. They so desperate to regain the losses that they did and that is why they are became gambling addict. In order to overcome of being gambling addict, a person shouls have commitment in order to lessen and fully stop gambling.

I have seen people who gamble just to make money and lose out money and then again borrow money from others in anticipation that they would be able to recover the lost amount from the gambling. This may not necessary happen and then they find it difficult to return money back to the borrower.
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January 01, 2020, 02:57:19 AM
And don't be desperate to attain huge profits as you gamble. This will lead somebody to have that desperate call and also if he's losing much. Addiction starts with the urge of what you want to get back and achieve and that's happening in gambling.

Achievement that you want to get in such furious manner will trigger you with the wrong way. Balancing and knowing your boundaries, if the money doesn't belong to you then don't show any interest of using it or even borrowing it. Gamble with your money, not with others.
And yes! Frustrations and desperations are the starting cause of this things , the result of it is addiction, some of us may say that they are not gambling addict they are just want to play and get back what they have been losing , continuing to play just for you to get what you've lost is addiction , we should accept any result of our game and make a good strategy in the next  game.
Gambling addicts are most likely the people who often lose money in gambling. Sometimes they win but the losses that they experiencing are massive. They so desperate to regain the losses that they did and that is why they are became gambling addict. In order to overcome of being gambling addict, a person shouls have commitment in order to lessen and fully stop gambling.
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January 01, 2020, 12:22:17 AM
And don't be desperate to attain huge profits as you gamble. This will lead somebody to have that desperate call and also if he's losing much. Addiction starts with the urge of what you want to get back and achieve and that's happening in gambling.

Achievement that you want to get in such furious manner will trigger you with the wrong way. Balancing and knowing your boundaries, if the money doesn't belong to you then don't show any interest of using it or even borrowing it. Gamble with your money, not with others.
And yes! Frustrations and desperations are the starting cause of this things , the result of it is addiction, some of us may say that they are not gambling addict they are just want to play and get back what they have been losing , continuing to play just for you to get what you've lost is addiction , we should accept any result of our game and make a good strategy in the next  game.
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December 31, 2019, 08:09:16 PM
Indeed, we should put all things in moderation so that, it would not be result to addiction, addiction is too much and it can be so hardly to control but if we want we can avoid that and also we need to enjoy our gamble, we should balance our expenses also, do not put all your asset in gambling and do not be frustrated by loses in our game.
And don't be desperate to attain huge profits as you gamble. This will lead somebody to have that desperate call and also if he's losing much. Addiction starts with the urge of what you want to get back and achieve and that's happening in gambling.

Achievement that you want to get in such furious manner will trigger you with the wrong way. Balancing and knowing your boundaries, if the money doesn't belong to you then don't show any interest of using it or even borrowing it. Gamble with your money, not with others.
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December 31, 2019, 12:56:49 PM
That's an example of addiction we should all avoid.
He didn't just risk his money but also he stole money from the company that he is working and this is even worse... But those people who are working in Stock and trading companies are the biggest gamblers of all...
Let’s not compare gambling and investing which are in no way similar to each other, according to the news he was part of an investment company that has been around for 5 decades and you do not get to be in the market for that long unless you are making money for your clients, while this is a story about the dangers of gambling and becoming addicted to it, it should also be a reminder of being very careful about which person you trust with your money and that is even more true in the market of cryptocurrencies.
sr. member
Activity: 734
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December 31, 2019, 12:48:43 PM
That's an example of addiction we should all avoid.
He didn't just risk his money but also he stole money from the company that he is working and this is even worse... But those people who are working in Stock and trading companies are the biggest gamblers of all...
That is the bad thing for which people are saying that gambling addiction is not good. Just think a person do not do much bad if he is spending more time of his day in gambling because of his love to it while if he continue to lose the money of his family and after that he start to steal the money of other people and getting money using other bad habits then it create a bad society around him and result in crimes which comes due to worst addiction.
hero member
Activity: 1372
Merit: 564
December 31, 2019, 12:44:02 PM
That's an example of addiction we should all avoid.
He didn't just risk his money but also he stole money from the company that he is working and this is even worse... But those people who are working in Stock and trading companies are the biggest gamblers of all...
Indeed, we should put all things in moderation so that, it would not be result to addiction, addiction is too much and it can be so hardly to control but if we want we can avoid that and also we need to enjoy our gamble, we should balance our expenses also, do not put all your asset in gambling and do not be frustrated by loses in our game.
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December 31, 2019, 11:17:39 AM
gambling addiction is not a severe mental illness that must be entered into a psychiatric facility, the best way to cure gambling addicts is to do hypnotherapy.  I have personally visited hypnotherapy to reduce my addiction to smoking, and there I saw many patients who have other illnesses (phobias, game addiction, hypersexual, and others) that are being treated or are almost cured.

I think hypnotherapy can solve the addicting problem because that method is working in the subconscious mind, so it will give a command to our mind, body, and soul that gambling is not good for our life. Maybe people who have an addict to gambling can try this method, and they need to trust the psychiatric that they will help that person to solve the problem. I think that it is worth to try if they really want to have a good mind, and they want to cure addicted to gambling.

hypno ? it means that you will be hypnotize by some things like for example pendulum  ? 

but did the effect only good for short term only   ?  later on you will be awaken from being hypnotize so i dont think that its a good way to cut your addiction  . i think medication is still the best or by taking prescribe drugs that are specifically formulated to cure mental illness such as addiction   .  gambling addiction can be severe or not depending on the patient  .

I think something like that because I never see the real Hypnotherapy before. Maybe you can search and watch on Youtube. But it works in the subconscious mind, so the therapist needs to meet the addicted gamblers, and that person could be hypnotized. I think if that can solve the problem, then that person could try to cure his addicted forever. Medication can also a way to prevent the addicting, but he needs to have a teacher who can teach him to meditate.
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December 30, 2019, 11:28:04 AM
The thing to do here is to control ourselves for us not to get addicted because when we are in the situation that we are already addicted, the read problem will come and we won't be able to control anymore

But before we already got addicted, we can't know if we will

The meaning is that as far as controlling our actions and behavior is concerned, we should avoid gambling altogether (if we don't want to find out). To put it differently, if we started to gamble and have a propensity and natural tendency to turn into a gambling addict sooner or later, it can be too late to try to exert that control. On the other hand, if we are not to become a compulsive gambler, what is to control here as we are already always in control by default?

@Russlenat, the power of gambling buzz is big and hard to control more than you can ever imagine and allow gamblers who take their time to study and understand the genuinely concept of gambling usually take the right cautions in controlling their buzz.
@deisik, gambling is not made for everyone especially people that can't control emotion, accept fate and can't view gambling as a game of chance.
I don't understand what you mean by in control by default, the game or fund?
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