Yes, this is indeed the main issue for most gamblers on which they will really be having no control when it comes into their greed and this is the most common reason on why they do messed up their finances just because of such reason. Reflection of our responsibility is something not that in connection on what kind of person you are because if we do speak about greed then this is something which is really that part of our personality and this isnt that shocking or new anymore. When we do gamble then there's really that kind of urge that you will be able to feel about because we do want to earn money as fast and as much as possible and gambling do really fits out into this criteria.
There would really be no issues if you are really just that sensible into the actions that you are taking and not really just that much minding about into its outcome because if you are treating up gambling to be some sort of money making thing then this is where things do really becomes that troublesome specially the actions that you are making is already that not good anymore or not ideal. Gamble for fun and not the other way around because if you do have such approach then that will really be that a huge issue or potential problem ahead.
Playing gambling should not be the only way to have fun because we have many things that we can do so we will not get the bad thing from gambling that can happen anytime. Maybe gambling can be reflection to our real personality because when we get any result from gambling, our personality can also change and that will not be the same as the personality that we show to other people.
The greediness when playing gambling can show up when we win some money so that will be different than our personality. People will see that we are a different person that they know so they can say many things about us.
It should not spend more money on gambling, but someone who cannot control themselves will experience this where they will ignore the risk by prioritizing the desired victory no matter how much they have lost but because of poor self-control makes them gamble excessively. In addition, with greed that can appear at any time, it will mainly appear when they get a victory that they think there is still a victory that can be obtained again. If you yourself are not ready to lose money, you should not gamble at all. A person's true reflection or attitude will be revealed when faced with gambling or more precisely when faced with the main aspect, namely money. Gambling itself, in my opinion, can be said to be something that trains patience.
When someone getting deeper in gambling, they can lose control over themselves so that can makes them keep playing gambling without stop. They can ignore the risk of losing the money and that will be different than the personality that they show to other people. Those will not be careful spending their money like usual but they will spend more and more money just to win more money. Yes, their greediness can show up anytime without they notice and if they don't have self control, they will end up by losing all of their money. Once that happen, they will slowly become addicted to gambling and that will change their lives.