It may be like that, but it works for me personally, sometimes I have so many things on my mind that playing is like therapeutic, it has a positive effect, of course this is how I free myself from the current situation, for me it's similar to when I go to the football stadium to sit with my team, it's a different environment, one de-stresses, my worries are different and that can turn into fun for me, the problem that could be caused by making this into a game is not controlling oneself, but since before playing I have money available that I can lose, there's no problem.
When gambling becomes a mean to escape from the stress of daily life there aren't any issues in placing some bets around. As you said, it's therapeutic. The real problem begins when the individual aims to escape from a situation he has to solve in life, but he doesn't want to, so he keeps procrastinating it, or when gambling is being used to escape from the negative emotions of a frustration or previous trauma faced along the life.
Addictions in general are used as mean to escape from aversive feelings, emotions and memories, therefore, with gambling it's not different. If people were more sincere to their selves and conscious of their real needs and aspirations in life, we would see less cases of addiction in the world.