How do you know how much more probable your scenario is? Your calculations are not exactly right, first of all what are the gamblers using, martingale? What happens when they lose all their money? Do you know how hard it is just to recover that money? Your scenario it's not that probable and I have never seen anyone profiting from roulette or dice without cheating. As I said, give us 1 real example of someone doing it and I will believe you.
I dont know, but it can be calculated with a simple Z test if you know the parameters. I dont have time to do it.
With martingale its virtually impossilble since martingale doesnt add any expectancy bonus to you, it only adds exponential risk.
I mostly described my scenario with flat betting only. No systems, no strategies. Just betting on 1 scenario with constant bet size.
Example? Why? Thats like saying I dont believe in gravity because I havent jumped out from the 4th floor yet. We know my scenario is possible, you dont need real world examples to prove it.
Plus I dont have records of every single bet that has ever taken place to prove it to you.