This is where discipline comes in. It also helps if the other funds would be kept away to avoid spending them. For example those for saving can be left in the bank (meaning you only withdraw a small part of your paycheck). Utilities can be enrolled for auto-deduct, again so you don't have to hold the money at home.
Instead of a credit card, maybe just use debit and put a low limit on it. That way you gamble only with the small amount in your wallet.
Those are the things that a gambler should take into consideration before entering a casino or accessing an online casino.
You need to set aside the money for your necessities first and at least savings for your family.
I've learned my lesson as well on this part of my life. Lost money in actual casino and from then on, I told myself to gamble only my extra extra funds.
If you will really chase what you've lost, you will end up more broke and maybe you will lose your head in the process also.
But sometimes, only when a person experienced such struggle owed to gambling, will be the ultimate wake up call to change his ways when it comes to gambling.
If you don't mind me asking, when did you start including gambling money in your budget? Like, how long after you've started gambling?
And is it just "extra money" or you do set aside a certain amount?
Also, you are lucky you were able to manage your gambling early. I believe there are some members saying they had people leave them first.