I know for sure that if we take periodic account of how many times that we gamble, maybe weekly, monthly or yearly, we'll find out that the loses are far greater than the winnings, so I sometimes wonder how we can be indulging in something that we lose far more than we gain, in the name of having fun. I know that it's human nature to want to conquer, defeat, control and be the leader, yet we go into gambling knowing that the system doesn't give us a fair advantage of achieving these aims, yet we're happy to go back and likely be defeated again.
Perhaps deep down in our conscience, somewhere that we don't like to listen to, it still tells us the truth that the reason why we're going to gamble is to hopefully win money, not really to have fun.
I know that it's said that you should gamble the amount that you can afford to loose, but will you call it a true fun when you know that there's a higher probability of losing your bet?
I'm sure that if you take into account how many times you're mentally stressed, experiencing burnouts from work, having congested mind and looking for how to decongest it and so on, you'll find out that gambling moderately helps you reset your mind from things that clouds it and get ready to either take up more activities or rest peacefully. The reason you gamble is a personal thing, myself gamble to relax my mind and have fun, maybe its not your reason, it still validates the fact that we are different people. Most times I come back from work with a very big headache from over-concentration, and being a bachelor, there's no other thing to do to decongest my mind and I just gamble moderately to shift my mind from the complexities of work and give me peace of mind, so I can rest properly and prepare for the next day. The thing is that most times people are more attached to the negatives of something that it blinds them from visualizing how much that must have helped them live a balanced life. I know I loose a lot from gambling, but compared to the good it does for me when I'm stressed up, I think I'm on the winning side. Peace of mind is so underrated these days and whatever helps me achieve that, is never a loss to me.