I think they are limiting to casinos/gambling establishments that are monitored by the government. If you advertise any kind of gambling platform other than those mandated by law or by the government, then that is where it becomes illegal.
Though that may be the case, I also find this peculiar that there is a pending bill regarding this kind of advertisements. It is just all over the place to the point that a person may be held liable for cases which are advertised by the government itself.
This bill was introduced in my country so I’m pretty sure that it’s content will be revised to a bare minimum since our government is corrupt while we get most of our taxes on gambling industry from huge scale casino like POGO which use various artist and influencer to promote their brand.
I doubt that this bill will successfully approved in the senate. Maybe this will be revised to target only influencers on social media that doing live stream but not to the level that it will be generalized for any gambling activity. I trust on how corrupt our government so this is an easy denied.
From what I learned in law school, majority of the bills that are passed through Congress will be heavily modified by the time it reaches the Senate. In fact, the whole bill can be changed essentially because the important requisite only is that the bill must ORIGINATE from the Congress.
For example, if the bill that originated from the lower house is about gambling, by the time it reaches the Senate, the whole bill can be about health or about anything. What is important only here is that the creation of the bill must start from the House of Representatives.