I personally don't agree that gambling is really a short cut to poverty as it is only those who gamble with out control that will likely be poor at the end because there are still people who gamble with caution and follow the rules guiding Gambling
I think the same, addiction begins if the person allows it, when there is enough willpower the person knows that when he is playing he can fall into that danger and can be negatively affected, then he must stop, if he does not do it is because his coins are so strong that he has already passed to a level of no control and that lack of control takes him to his money, if he loses money frequently and is left with nothing it is that person's fault, not the casino's, because if he cannot control himself in a casino he cannot control himself in any other activity in life, we should not blame the casinos when we ourselves are the owners of what we do and feel, that is why it is Required that in a casino they be of legal age.
Never have I seen of heard that casino drag people into their platform and force them to gamble, maybe with a gun pointed to their head or whatever, if this has never happened, and of a truth, it's people themselves who decided for themselves to take themselves to the casino and gamble, then on what account or ground do they blame the casino for their misfortune? One question I always ask gamblers who turn around to blame the casino after losing money is, if for instance, you did not lose but won a huge sum of money, one more than enough to change your financial situation for the better forever, would you still blame the casino for any wrong doing?
Most people have this habit of finding something or someone to put blames on for their own problems, forgetting that they should be responsible for their the outcome of their very own decisions.