I have seen persons who work all day, week & months, spending all there earnings on betting with the hopes of enriching themselves or better still, double their earnings, but end up loosing it all, and this in turn have a negative impart on the so called gamblers, their family members also involved and the general public at large. Let me explain. If for instance I spent all my earnings in a gambling section which I hoped of getting some gains at the end, and it turns out negative, I won't be happy because I just lost my earnings, this wil give me a long face, or a sad appearance, affecting my present interaction with either a family member or anybody within me due to my sad state.
So in essence, I think gambling breeds poverty. A gambler may make gain now, but I believe the losses are more than the gains, and at thus, brings perpetual gamblers to poverty. Talking about the government, I don't think they can actually stop or regulate it entirely because, like few persons stated earlier, the government is interested in the taxes. But at the same time too, since gambling is legal, I think it depends on the gamblers to control their emotions when gambling. Spending all your earnings or savings in something that is not certain or realistic as to the final result is to me, a two step at a time to great losses and a date with poverty.
Absolutely right, and I made the same conclusion one day in my life. No one wants to grow old and know that all their efforts do not promise them profit. And with such a lifestyle, you can’t be calm, you need to invest your efforts in something that is guaranteed to bring results, even if it is not a Lamborghini, but something significant. And I am sure that many gamblers have predispositions to different skills that are guaranteed to bring them wealth.