in an altered state, we definitely shouldn’t sit down to play, I paid for it several times. Concentration simply disappears and the budget for the game will quickly run out, I tested it on myself personally. When I realized this, I only play sober and not tired, and then I’ll even get pleasure from the game if even I will lose.
The path that you have set for yourself is actually good enough to avoid worse conditions when you continue to play without any control. Because every person who always has control over their emotions and desires in playing anything will not get worse or experience worse conditions, especially if that person can enjoy whatever results they get after playing as you say, where you can still enjoy it even if you have to accept defeat in the end.
That is what I learned a long time ago and the good part is that I've trained myself to overcome it as what you do not control may control you and emotion is what we all need to frown seriously at in gambling and any other risky activities. For me, it is termed a mistake at first and a few subsequent happenings, but it should no longer be regarded as a mistake when it persists unchecked by the person. You can't imagine allowing yourself to be played by emotion for too long without having the nerves to say Stop at any point despite being so severe in terms of the result. And if at all there is a thing to control in gambling, emotion is the first, others are only the remaining, and this is better stopped when we have our viable plans and are also disciplined with it.
By having the plan, we already know how we can bet well, and manage our bettings, self and account to form the system of our betting style. If done properly, we should now proceed in making sure we do not renege in the plan, which is where the discipline comes in. Even if we are slack with it in the beginning, it's normal, over time, the experience should help us to be stricter and avoid old mistakes.