But I have learned other things too... Like variance is the worst enemy for casinos (Big bets winning while low bets losing), and streaks come like waves. So, lose while betting low and win while betting win. I know is easy to say but we don't know when the next good wave will come. That's why we should add some chaos to our strategy.
I have been talking about my weird betting methods in the past:
Chasing a x330,000
My new favorite betting method.
Both of them are good chaos examples, on the first one we have a bot who was making 20bets/sec. until hit x330,000 and the second one is a bot that gives you x1.5 of the lost amount after a hit.
But this time I decided to take the chaos to another level, I made a bot to hit x3300, and these are the rules:
1.- Divide Balance / 1500
2.- Bet on: x3300, x8.25, x3300,x8.25.... until hit x3300
3.- Random Hi/Lo
4.- When the balance get's down to 75% bet amount goes x2
4.- When the balance get's down to 50% bet amount goes x4
Proof of hits:
UPDATE: Here is the source code.
var balance = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
var target = balance*2;
var b = ((balance/divider).toFixed(8));
var mybet;
document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = chance;
parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = b);
function dobet(){
balancez = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
var stuit = document.getElementById('pct_bet').value;
var count = document.getElementById("nonce").innerText;
document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 0.030;
document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 12.0;
if (mybet==null) {
mybet = stuit;
if (((balancez*1.25)
if (((balancez*1.5)
if (balancez>balance*1.2) {
balance = balancez;
b = ((balance/divider).toFixed(8));
mybet = b;
if (balancez>=target) {
if (a==0) {
balancez = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = ((mybet*1).toFixed(8)));
Math.random() < 0.5 ? $('#a_hi').click() : $('#a_lo').click();
setInterval(() => dobet(), 40);