Well like anything there is no way to definitively 'prove' that this project and company (important distinction because GameCredits Inc is a for profit company utilizing GameCredits the crypto) will be a success.
There are things to lead users to believe this will be success. For one, it's one of the few projects with a tangible use case. You can look at our mobile store (play.gamecredits.com) currently in beta or our web wallet (wallet.gamecredits.com soon to be upgraded) both which can be used to buy games. We will be vastly upgrading our mobile store (as the mobile game sector is our focus since it's the fasting growing segment in the gaming industry) and we will begin marketing the hell out of the store will a budget of over 25 million dollars (the mobilego crowdsale raised 53 million and half of funds are to be used for marketing). The store uses GameCredits for purchases. With a large budget and millions of potential users to be acquired, that means that GAME could potentially be one of the first cryptocurrencies used by regular people in mass quantities. If you think of the top altcoins (aside from eth and btc) what coins are used by average people? LTC? No. Strat? No. Dash? No. The list goes on and on. These are great projects, but they lack a purpose, direction, target market, and tangible use case with benefits that users can obtain now. GAME has that. Now there are definitely variables that play into our success. Can we acquire gamers? Are people going to like what we have? Can we get gaming industry professionals to partner with us? Etc. But regular cryptocurrencies aren't even dealing with these same type of real world problems. Failing for GAME might be 100,000 real world users in a year or two. But hell, that will still probably be top among cryptocurrencies, even if our goal is a profitable multi billion dollar unicorn company.