Nice update to the UI but did anybody's blade stop hashing and unable to restart it?
Having the same issue here for a a week or two, blade often goes offline and won't restart. Mine is offline as I'm writing these lines, wrote to support 2 hours ago and still waiting for the blade to come back to life or someone to reply/acknowledge the request.
Support has been A++ from the start but has been
quickly going down the drain in the last week or two, it's getting hard to get replies support ticket anymore and if you try to call their phone number it goes straight to voicemail (they use to pickup the phone).
I understand they might have small hiccups (power, software, etc) with setting up all these blades on very short notice but if you can't handle the amount of support tickets coming your way simply tell us and we'll likely avoid opening a ticket knowing you're working on it.
I filled up a compensation form 2 weeks ago and never heard from it, I also subscribed to the double hash promotion (before the deadline) and never got any payment (yes, I've contacted support).
Lastly, as a suggestion, have someone answer your phone, even if it's only a receptionist telling people to write to various email addresses (sales, support, ceo, etc). A voicemail generally makes people uneasy and
definitely sends the wrong message to current/potential customers.
Hi Guys,
Sorry for the lack of updates. I would be happy to address these questions.
This company has grown like crazy. If our sales did not increase at all, we already have passed over 40 million in annual sales. And, our sales numbers are still growing (this has been in less in a month!). In the last month, we have built a new data center, built new code and software that did not exist, did over a million in sales in two weeks, and even began building our own miners.
We did this with 7 people.The largest reason for the delays is because we have been using what little man power we started the company with, to training new people to expand our support and customer service. Most of this has taken place in the last two weeks, which is why this changed over the last few weeks.
We are not complete, but we have a large part of the training done. I am happy to report we have grown our staff by 200% in the last three days. And, we will hire about 75 people in the next six months.
We are also training more people to answer the phones so we are able to take care of an issue on the spot.
In my years as a CEO, I have never trained a team of people to run a company this large in three weeks. Every company I have run; we budget at least a month and a half to recruit, interview, and train new staff. This has certainly been a learning experience.
We are working as hard as we can to get back to your requests. I literally had two employees, that were so sleep deprived, fall sleep while standing
Our staff numbers are growing, our systems are getting better, and there is some exciting things coming. As I type this, we are having a “ticket party”; I have every person in the company working on support tickets and we will be at it all night.
Thanks for the patience, every customer will be rewarded for their loyalty and patience!