That's a whole lot of reading right there, one thing you cannot escape is every which way you turn, some one is demand payment for outstanding invoices. This operation has got to be the most rag tag team of bumbling individuals ever put together. The only one wide awake is the new John marketing guy. Obviously he's a newbie in the operation, all wide eyed and eager to get paid, however slowly but surely as each day gets missed on his pay day, he too will become a statistic.
So far thought this the best one yet: did find it ironic that CCN rushed out to write and entire story about a credit processor (stripe) that is had no real facts about, yet did not write an article about gyft, even though it had the evidence.
Then to read this article, also without any attempt to collect any real facts. Who writes an article about a companies programs and does not contact them? Even coinfire contacts us before they write their garbage
Long winded saga from CCN about something, the Homero finally admitting "Even confire contacts us before they write their garbage" this after swearing top to bottom that they were never contacted before in his C&D.
You know how dogs look like there owners? Homero's company and operation looks like him, shabbily dressed floppy arm and wrist muppet with goofball caps and waist jackets and oversize pants. Just like an unkempt slob.