Sure, mods are getting swapped out every other day and faces are disappearing left and right, but they've only lost 3 people
That's not Homero talking! That's that fat guy.
Ha! First thing I thought of, that slob that was here that runs the cloud mining service and who recently bought betarigs. Every second word out his slobbering cakehole was "bud". Was thinking about fatty a while ago, he recently made that announcement on their forum that they had bought betarigs, then soon after, an announcement that they have a 2Ph/s farm up and running for leasing. At the time it had me thinking is that Homero's stuff because back then was before he started selling off his miners, and back then was when they were clearly running out of funds. Did he fire it up in the hopes of leasing it to earn some BTC's? More so because fatty made an unnecessary point of thanking Bitmain for the farm, and even going so far as to name it antminer farm or something. But was this actually Homero's last attempt before selling it off? Can't see if it is still for lease. We do know bitmain was trying to sell their farm outright including a years hosting or something. Could that slob have convinced them to fire it up and try to lease it? I can't see bitmain needing a handful of coins so badly.