Funny thing, they had technical difficulties today so the prerecorded the Q&A
HT Reference / link /
Web archive linkYet, if you listen to the Q&A a little after the 13:50 mark, Josh mentions realeasing new features in the next day or two.. then something about "in case they are not available by the time this video airs"...:
Link to YouTubeHow can that be if it was recorded earlier today because of technical difficulties?
Honesty, it's not the end of the world, they're welcome to pre-record if they want.. It's more the principle of them making stuff up again, how hard is it to just say we pre-recorded the Q&A earlier this week, here's the link.
I could only sit through most of it once while addressing on some other work, but some notable tidbits stuck in my head...
Jump to: 6:40
Hmmm... 60+ GAW people now working on Paybase? Does that mean there are now more people working behind the scenes than there on the front end of the web forums? If that is not the case, then are those just the hired PR shills that have new accounts and seem to be blindly following their great leader in promoting Paycoin/base all over the internet? Either way, 60+ people equals a lot of XPY those 350% staking nodes need to generate for Paybase sales everyday. Oh wait.. never mind, that is what the premined coins are for.. my bad...
Re: Legal/Regulatory
Good luck with that. Don't forget to wear your Scarlet letter before meeting with the powers that be. Likewise, here's a tip: Don't mention you already falsified at least one application submitted to a federal agency (USPTO). They do not like that...
Jump to: 09:55
100-200 Merchant requests for Paycoin per day? Riiight... Are you talking about your local swap meet vendors? Is your reference of time synced with a day on the plant Venus? [ref: 224.65 Earth days = 1 day on Venus]
Seriously.... it is this type of BS hype that gets you in to trouble.
Jump to: 10:00
So.. Zencloud is now a low priority (i.e. no longer a concern regarding meeting prior commitments to the customer base) and therefore is for all intensive purposes defunct after just 6 months of operation? Will that be your $8M tax write-off for fiscal year 2014 (if you even file) or will you just have Eric covert his rumored equity share equaling that amount in to a reorganized XPY package? If so, wouldn't that cause a conflict of interest; especially if he and/or his wife, Amber, a GAW employee, are involved in these secret test node activities making all that Paycoin "bank" along side Joe? I would have your team of lawyers and risk management professionals review the situation ASAP.
- nice way to sneak in that XPY is not accepted on GAW due to your efforts to get it adopted elsewhere... lol...
By the way, try making your reading of your scripted answers to the scripted question less noticeable. It doesn't add to your creditability - or the already lack thereof.
Also, why say, "good question", when you already know the question and likely formulated it/them yourselves? Please...
Jump to: 12:15
Multitier card access/management... been there, done that... 10 years ago. Family portfolios and investment management? Uhmm... SEC? FinCEN? You have a call on line one...
Jump to 12:50
Here we go again with them complimenting themselves for asking a "good question"... ugh...
Jump to 13:10
Well, Paybase Premier will cost you money as if the trading fees weren't enough. BUT, if you were a GAW founder, your membership will be free - at least until they decide to back out of that deal like they did for the free hosting last year when the now "low priority" Zenminer service was merged with GAW.
So many new promises and features that will be available Soon™... to never.
Jump to: 13:56
Yeah, stabilize that coin... look at what your Honors Program has done....Look at that impact - - -
Yadda yadda yadda... innovate this, innovate that.. he has no concept of what innovation actually means.
At any rate, just more hype with no substance or backup. Too bored with their nonsense to continue... sorry. Had to turn it off at 15:30...
PS: Josh, maybe if you remove whatever you have the plastered on the ceiling, people will not think you're being so "deceptive"...