Maybe the geniuses at GAW forgot to take compounding interest
into account. At first sight, .97% per day does look like about 350%/year.
This is one of the better points in this thread. They multiplied instead of using an exponent.
You can't re-stake a prime controller. Once you put the coins into it to start it up, you can't just keep putting coins into it. So it's not compounding interest.
After the "round" (6 months) is up, you can re-stake the prime controller, and it has to be a minimum of 1% of all total coins. So you can't just sell off all the coins your prime controller generated during the round of 6 months.
You are talking about hashstaker which is just some mumbo jumbo name for locking your coin in for 1% per day. You can't reload those as you stated but the prime controller is just a wallet with special staking rate, so if they won't manually transfer the new minted coins out of the wallet address, it will compound
Incidentally; when I started at GEW I was elated when my Zen hashlets
yielded a whopping 1% per day. And nobody talked about it. Obviously I
reinvested the yield like crazy in more zens and added more funds.
Then this wonderful yield tanked of course but my average was low due
to all those reinvestments and picking up cheap zens in the market so
I got out OK.