From memory, it was stated in the tinychat video stream and there are no archives unless someone recorded them at the time.
This is the closest statement I could find to what you were looking for.
Thanks, I found a few URLs that I believed had the statements but they all now say ACCESS IS DENIED.
Post the URLs here. Someone might have archived them, or maybe they are in Google cache.
I was going to stay out of this forum, but I think I can help here.
Here is a 1.4GB dump (~14 GB uncompressed) of hashtalk, generated over the last few weeks on a webserver with `wget -rc`.!EtBzSRCK!Pe65znHDprZPnvFFhwxdbVdx3d22Tdd2EUNsSYDaN9c
Please don't download it unless you plan to use it in some way, as bandwidth is limited. If you could mirror this somewhere, that'd be great.
There may be a lot of duplicates because of URL scheme, which I didn't have time to fix.