If for some reason, Paycoin and GAW manage to maneuver themselves out of legal trouble or flat out bankruptcy due to just gross stupidity and the coin manages to survive and actually be useful, I am pretty damn sure I will not have anything to do with it since I don't trust the company or the man behind the company.
I don't like they way they conduct business.
I don't like they way they let people other than themselves 'represent' them in the forums through bullying and cultish practices.
I don't like they way they overpromised and underdelivered. Misleading is a generous way to describe what they did. Fraudulent is a thin line next to it.
I don't like they fact that they are trying to rewrite history by deleting the posts on their site. Everything they do reeks of impropriety in a business where trust is essential.
If GAW is really looking out for the best interests of Paycoin, they better sell or give away their stake of it to someone who can really do something with it. They need to get their stench off the coin as soon as possible.
Disclosure: I still have some coins and hashstakers with GAW, but not enough to be a bother to my bottom line. Can I write this off on my taxes as gambling losses?