"After a sleepless night, with 3 teams of developers working, and a record-breaking initial launch, PayCoin™ is reborn!"
"100+ Block difficulty adjustment buffer. 0 rewards for blocks 278 - 400"
Looks like they finally paid real money for something to get done this time than rely on shitty dumbfuck coin cloners.
"Did it stall again? Or did the diff just jump up a ton. Been on block 430 for a while now."
I'm betting it'll take 4 hours to kill this time.
PS there is no 3 development teams, its just Joe Morda...whatever thats tweaked some variables.
I love the whole super fast payments network for processors.... i never knew changing the block time to 1 minute was what was considered instant payments... maybe they change the block time to 10 seconds when they want it faster.... maybe thats what thermonuclear is changing a float value.
Which neither proves there is 3 devs or there isn't.... Why must it always go through Joe? Likely because he's up there with Homero in the scam. Don't you find it a wee bit funny that none of the dev teams are named for transparency..... cmon he never names anyone and thats so nobody can validate it. Microsoft, apple etc... they always announce when they acquire. Homero doesn't because he doesn't acquire. He just tells lies that simpletons believe... because they want to believe.
If he wanted to reassure people that much it'd be in the open but its not... and he continues to ride this bs because nobody has called him out on it yet (by that i mean nobody who hasn't been banned and had their posts removed in damage control mode).
GL on your investment though. Hey i have an account that has 47,000 hashpoints. I'll sell it to you for 1.5 BTC.... thats like $530 in bitcoin but its 117.5 paycoin @ $20 each thats $2300. You make 3 times profit out of me. What do you say? I'll escrow and all with usename and password the account can be yours. I want my hands clean of all things hashbase/talk/zencould
Done give me 3btc and its yours