... drowned out by the cult of blind-faith believers in anything and everything ...
Now, this never happens in here, does it? The irony is insane!
There is no other crypto-related forum where "blind-faith believers" hangout more than this one ... (maybe some reddit ones, but this is still huge on that)
It's usually bloody, useless, messy and downright outrageous the way *most* threads in here tend up to be ...
It has come to a point where it's utterly impossible to find a decent thread, where people behave rationally and are actually trying to discuss things ...
Thank you for that pearl of a speech! Such wisdom and enlightenment! Now I completely understand Scoot's arguments!
It's not personal, mind you, it's just that I can't read what you wrote and not comment that specific affirmation. But I'm glad that you're able to do it and that I'm able to give you this feedback.
Hell, there's hardly any chance of ever getting some thread in here that's actually useful for all that participate and/or read it. This one was botched like most.
Scott, sorry, your intentions were certainly good, you have a concern that you want to share - whether or not I agree, sympathize, love, hate, despise, whatever, with your point of viewand claims ... I was happy to see you willing to discuss and clarify.
Guess this forum just wasn't adequate. Perhaps you may find another venue that's better suited. Elsewhere.
Thanks anyway.