There is nothing serious about this toy coin. I cannot and will not work. It is as has been advertised designed to scam the uninitiated. Nothing short of boiler room scamming. A real coin if you want to compare is DRK. Homero has created or is trying to create a general populous interest in these affairs. No different to spam phone calls telling you you have won a free cruise.
The proclomation we intend to bring the heady nerdy, geek world of crypto to the masses, and make it easy for them, is just that.
He's a filthy parasite that should be taken out back of the barn and shot.
'let's make it easy, let's sell the uninitiated on what they can achieve.'
POS. The sooner this cheap lying cunt gets locked up the better we will all be.
I don't quite get your logic here. There have always been companies out there who take a geeky, nerdy subject and market it to the masses... eventually (with a lot of help) tilting the market to mainstream. See computers, comic book movies, Star Trek, smart wrist watches, the "Big Bang Theory"... the list goes on and on.
Now, cryptocurrencies... Very few people in the mainstream understand them, or have the inclination to understand them. But that's not the point here is it? The point is to get them used to using them, then through experience, start to understand what it is, and how it's different, and how it can change things.
Is GAW the company that can start this ball rolling? I don't know... but they are at least trying, and that I think that is what people are latching on to. It's not often you see a person with a vision, who has the ability to raise money for the cause, and *you* get a chance to get in on the ground floor.