For those here who do not have any "skin in the game" at GAW/Zen... what is your purpose?
the purpose of this community, as it has always been - to uphold the integrity of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.
I fear that people are going to lose out hard in the long run, and cryptocurrency as a whole is going to take a hit.
Just last night some fellow showed off how many hashpoints he had, saying he got a loan to buy the hashlets to obtain all those HP. I feel so sorry for people like that, because it was a poor decision he made based on the mindless cheerleading that goes on over at HT. In his mind the success of paycoin is a sure thing and he's taking MASSIVE risks thinking he's going to make the money back.
If this thing goes under, there will be a LOT of people out of a LOT of money who will probably never come back to crypto ever again. IF this happens to turn out to all be a scam, it will only bring a bad name to Bitcoin and slow adoption even further.
No crypto simply makes it big 'off the bat'.
The majority of bitcoin investors today were not even a part of it until they found out about it last winter.
If.. and it's a massive IF... if Paycoin ever becomes some kind of adopted payment method, it will be years down the line, and most likely after having fallen to the bottom, where all early adopters crash-out and cashout at a serious loss.
as with any investment, there is no such thing as a 'get-rich-quick' scheme. and the sheer expectancy that this clonecoin is going to make anyone except Josh and his muckers rich, is pure fantasy. 99% of shitcoins are designed to do just that - fill the pockets of the developers. This, is no different and it has ALL the indicators to show that it's the case.
To lie about having mainstream retailers bought into this, should give some food for thought in the first instance.
It's horrible how naive, people can be but those are not the people who should be scorned. This fanboy thing tends to become infectious.
Take this... the next time you read something posted on an internet forum which excites you; please take some time to think to yourself... 'how can I research this, to find out if it's true.'
Cynicism is your best protection in this day and age