As far as verifiable information goes you must define who you would like to define it because there are two sides to most of the information regarding paycoin
coin launched in Late November 2014
paybase launched in December as a beta lacking many of the features expected
For a VERY short time the coin reached its $20 target price *short being minutes not hours or days
Paybase gift caoperations launched during the north american bitcoin conference and was only available again for several hours before it was shut down
Paybase withdrawals were halted several times before it was announced that it would be closed
Zencloud cloud mining was shut down shortly before bitcoin reached 250 USD and has not resumed mining and is currently pending shutdown
Coinstand Alpha was an amazon integration that allowed users to buy good from amazon using XPY it was a very limited invite launch. Currently 2 additional revisions of coinstand have been proposed one of which has been canceled the other of which is pending was launched as a sudo replacement for using the same exchange back end as coinswap and paybase it was also supposed to have a credit/debit card integration mineral has since announced it will be ceasing operations this week and has advised all users to remove their holdings
The code base for paycoin was transferred to the paycoin foundation fir further development as of now this additional development has included reduction in The prime controller stake rate, fixing an error in the local qt wallet and some other administrative fixes the foundation also holds some number of prime controllers
"Core Dev" is a term used to decribe the individuals who created the paycoin code most notably refferd to being Matt... In posession of some number of prime controllers
FastXPY was a service owned by Phil Vidal and was used to convert btc to xpy quickly Phil was also the creator of although ownership of the domain among other things is contested. Phil is in control of so.e number of controllers
I am sure there are other facts but this is a start how all of these things happened and why have many differnt viewpoints and opinions but they are the status of things to the best of my knowledge