A Miaviator: Adam Matlack already openly admitted he was dumping coins on exchanges. Therefore his statement asking where the proof of his dumping coins on exchanges is is non sequitor, otherwise known as a lie. I asked a specific question about a specific address, and more general questions about what addresses he says are his/Team Paycoins. He refuses to answer.
That make sense then. Of course his addresses would include prime controller/hyperstaking/self destructive coin feature wallets which would change addresses continuously as stakes split and merge inputs based on the peercoin base code.
I was curious if you had some of the addresses handy that I could pose the question in paycoin slack and seek an answer to crosspost here.
I tried digging up information on the #1 address, which has been dumping huge amounts to exchanges. This had been said to be in Team Paycoin's control by some, and one of the other entities by others. I don't know exactly who has control of that, or the associated addresses that have been directly funded by it or by the same source it was, which accounts for nearly all of the top 100 addresses. Here is the #1: PDzubEnhb45Gz8zBNq9zsPi9UohwzUhniP and link to see it on the Paycoin Blockchain Explorer: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/xpy/address.dws?232492.htm
If Adam wants to be transparent, then fine, provide addresses. If not, I will have to do my best to figure out what I can from this intentionally obfuscated mess.